


论文题目 我国绿色会计发展现状、问题及对策

所 在 班 级

姓 名 学 号 指导教师及职称





关键词:绿色会计;低碳经济 ;可持续发展;环保意识


Green Accounting in Our Country Development Present Situation,

Problems and Ountermeasures

Abstract: Sustainable development is more and more get the attention of the society from all walks of life, green accounting has once again become popular vocabulary in the field of economics. Enterprise value of the green accounting and green into the open degree of accounting information directly influences the sustainable development of economy in our country. Therefore, the green accounting, found problems, seek countermeasures, solve problems, to make the green accounting in the enterprise development carried out smoothly. In this background, this paper firstly introduces the basic theories of green accounting; And then Outlines from the current situation of the development of China's green accounting in the process of developing the green accounting problems; Secondly, analyses the influence of green accounting the significance of implementing sustainable development strategy in our country, for how to solve the problems that exist in the green accounting work, from green and perfecting the accounting norms and standards, to perfect the relevant laws and regulations, accounting change concept of raising awareness, strengthen the training and reserve of green accounting talents, improve the level of green accounting information disclosure, etc, put forward the constructive measures; Finally, the prospects for the development of green accounting in our country is prospected, explored the countermeasures of developing green accounting in China under low carbon economy. Keywords: Green accounting; Low carbon economy; Sustainable development; Environmental protection consciousness

目 录

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