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弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。1 / 4



1.—What do you prefer for lunch,darling?

—I’d like __C__ such as tomatoes,carrots or cabbages. A.meat B.eggs

C.vegetables D.fruits

2.—What’s your sister’s favorite __C__ ? —She’s always in red. Don’t you know? A.song B.movie C.color D.food

3.My little brother didn’t go to bed until he finished __B__ his homework last night.

A.do B.doing C.to do D.does

4.—What do you like to study?

—I like studying English. It is one of my favorite __B__ .

A.books B.subjects C.countries D.tests

5.We shouldn’t just care about the __A__ of the food,but we should pay more attention to the safety as well.

A.price B.result

弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。2 / 4


C.nature D.language

6.Fruit is good for health,so I often have breakfast with one __C__ .

A.candy B.cake C.banana D.hamburger

7.This is one of my most favorite movies and it covers all of the Chinese history. It is __B__ worth seeing again.

A.mainly B.really C.possibly D.probably Ⅱ.词形转换

1.He __has__ (have) no time to play soccer with his friends on weekdays.

2.The mother stopped her son from __playing__ (play) games on the mobile phone.

3.I often finish __doing__ (do) my homework by 10: 00 pm. 4.I want to make tomato and egg soup.Please give me two __tomatoes__ (tomato).

5.TFBOYS are __really__ (real) popular among teenagers. 6.Come and __buy__ (buy) your clothes at our great sale. 7.We need __to_find__ (find) the way home.

8.This is a (an) __useful__ (use) way to learn English. 9.The speech is very __boring__ (bored).Most of people leave the classroom.

10.Yao Ming is my favorite basketball __player__ (play).

弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。3 / 4

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