

Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?


科目 English 年级 Grade eight 主备人 课 题 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (Section B 2a-2e) 知识目标:1. was/were + v- ing 上课人 知识与技能目标 过程与方法目标 情感态度与 价值观目标 教学重点 2. Some useful expressions in this passage 能力目标: Learn how to improve the reading skills Reading and writing Be for the peace and against the war The phrases and grammar, the reading skills. 1) was/were + doing 2) Learn to write a short article about an important event 教学难点 教具与教法 Teaching Method: reading method, Writing method, Teaching Aid: A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard and an English book. 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1 Greetings 2 Introduce what to learn in this period, especially the article in 2b Ⅱ. Pre-task 1. Enjoy a song and some pictures about the past. 2. Show some pictures and teach the new words. Greetings Know what to learn Learn the new words

3. Look at the picture and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about? 4. Ask the students to talk about it. Ⅲ. While-task Page 38, 2b 1.Title predicting 2. skan and skim 3. Detailed reading ,finish 2c, 2d 4. listen and retell Turn to page 38 Finish 2a Discuss Talk Practice Understand the title and first sentence Read again Finish 2c 5. Practice reading the passage. Presentation Ⅳ. Post-task Finish 2d Page 39, 2e How much do you remember about the events in the Presentation passage? Test your partner. Practice Ⅴ. Summary Work with a partner 1. My dreams 2. the phrases Take notes 3. the grammar 4. the reading skills Writing Ⅵ. Exercises Individual work Ⅶ. Homework Presentation 1 Write a strange event after class. 2 Retell the passage about “Do You Remember What You Were Doing?”

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