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[摘要] 针对山岳型景区病媒生物特点,探讨和制定出该环境中的病媒生物防制原则、标准和对策,对于有效防控病媒生物性传染病,维护景区良好形象,保障广大游客和群众健康安全具有非常重要的意义。病媒生物防制必须坚持以环境治理为重点,采取环境治理、物理防制、化学防制、生物防制、健康教育和健康促进、法规防制和必要的应急控制措施相结合的综合防治措施。

[关键词] 山岳型景区;病媒生物;防制对策

[中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)01(b)-0147-02 Vector Biological Characteristics and Prevention and Control Measures in Mountainous Scenic Spot

XIAO Zhong

Mount Taishan Disease Control Center, Tai’an, Shandong Province, 271000 China [Abstract] The discussion and formulation of the prevention and control principle, standards and strategies of vector biology in this environment according to the biological features of vectors in the mountainous scenic spot?is of great significance to effective preventing and controlling the vector biological infectious disease, maintaining a good image of scenic spot, and ensuring the health and safety of massive tourists and groups. The prevention and control of vector biological

prevention and control should focus on the environmental governance, and adopt the comprehensive prevention and control measures of environmental governance, physical prevention, chemical prevention, biological prevention, health education and health promotion, legal prevention and necessary emergency control measures.

[Key words] Mountainous scenic spot; Vector biological; Prevention and control strategies 山岳型景區是以山地为旅游资源载体和构景要素的具有具有较高生态价值、观赏价值以及科研价值的地域综合体,是我国旅游风景区的主要类型。在旅游业迅猛发展的今天,旅游业已经进入大众旅游阶段,山岳型景区以独特的地形地貌、丰富的自然和文化景观成为旅游热点目的地,近年来旅游人数持续攀升[1]。以泰山为例,根据资料记载,泰山景区进山进景点游客数量从2008年的305.8万提高到2015年的589.8万,增加了92.87%。旅游人数的增多和游客卫生意识的不断增强,对旅游环境提出了更高的要求,景区公共卫生安全的压力不断增加,国

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