【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts Western,Chine

Module 4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 同步精练(外研版必修2,课标通用)

(时间:45分钟) Ⅰ.介副词填空

1.The painting________contemporary American artist Roy Lichtenstein is a world famous example of pop art.

2.My father is fond __________going to the art galleries.

3.I'm getting tired __________looking at pictures all the time. 4.Chinese painting is known __________its brush drawings __________black inks and natural colours. 5.Xu Beihong painted __________the traditional Chinese style. 6.I'm crazy __________the paintings of Qi Baishi. 7.I've developed an interested __________art.

8.She put __________completing the picture because she felt tired. 9.These pictures are known ______Picasso's “ blue period”. 10.I aimed __________hitting the door but hit the window.

答案 1.by 2.of 3.of 4.for, in 5.in 6.about 7.in 8.off 9.as 10.at Ⅱ.单词拼写

1.My boss liked my idea and a__________it.

2.Our teacher let us o__________the experiment carefully in the lab.

3.It is the t__________culture in China to eat dumplings on the Eve of the Spring Festival. 4.The director told us that the s__________of this play was set in Ireland. 5.We were happy to find her a__________after the terrible earthquake. 6.I had a __________(愉快的)day with my friends yesterday.

7.One of the most important__________(方面)of buying a house is choosing the right location. 8.She follows the fashion,and most of her clothes are in the latest__________(风格). 9.Can you name a great nineteenth-century Chinese __________(艺术家)?

10.The __________(现实) is that you have to depend on yourself to make a living. 答案 1.adopted 2.observe 3.traditional 4.scene 5.alive 6.delightful 7.aspects 8.styles 9.artist 10.reality Ⅲ.翻译与仿写

1.This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.

翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:迈克尔被认为是位电脑专家。

________________________________________________________________________ 2.I'm getting tired of looking at pictures all the time.

翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:情况在不断地变化着。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.I'm crazy about the paintings of Qi Baishi.

翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:我们非常喜欢周杰伦的曲子。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.I've developed an interest in art.

翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:这个小男孩己经对艺术产生了兴趣。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.I can tell by the style.

翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:老师无法从她们的外表上分清这对双胞胎。


答案 1.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗·毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。 Michael is considered to be an expert in computer science. 2.老是看图会很厌烦。

Conditions are changing all the time. 3.我非常喜欢齐白石的画。

We are crazy about the music composed by Chou Jerry. 4.我已经对艺术产生了兴趣。

The little boy has developed an interest in art. 5.我可以从画的风格上判断出来。

The teacher can't tell the twins by their appearances. Ⅳ.语篇填词 Picasso,an __1__artist,was considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.He painted objects and people,with different __2__of the object or person showing at the same time.__3__American artist Roy Lichtenstein is a world famous example of pop art,which was an important modern art movement that __4__to show ordinary twentieth century city life.Qi Baishi,one of China's greatest painters,followed the __5__Chinese style of painting that is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.You can __6__the style at first sight because he __7__the world of nature very carefully and his works are special.Another Chinese best-known twentieth-century artist,Xu Beihong painted in the traditional Chinese __8__,too.He believed that artists should show __9__,but not just __10__it.He is famous for his lively paintings of horses.

答案 1.unusual 2.aspects 3.Contemporary 4.aimed 5.traditional 6.tell by 7.observed 8.style 9.reality 10.imitate Ⅴ.多项选择

1.You can not __________him __________a selfish man though he looks cold. A.consider; be B.look on; to be C.think of; with D.consider; \\

答案 D [consider... to be “认为……是”,to be可以省略。]

2.Dad __________whisky, but he normally only drank in the evening when work was done. A.is fond of B.is tired of

C.was fond of D.was tired of

答案 C [由句意可知“爸爸喜欢威士忌”,有后面drank可知用过去时。]

3.The boy is old enough to __________the difference ________right and wrong. A.speak; from B.tell; between C.say; of D.judge; from

答案 B [tell the difference between A and B辨别/说出A和B的不同。]

4.We observed some young men __________into the building at 11:00 last night. A.to slip B.slipped

C.slipping D.being slipped

答案 C [observe sb doing sth看到某人正在做某事,故选C。]

5.I'm sure that your letter will get__________attention.They know you're waiting for the reply. A.continued B.immediate C.careful D.general

答案 B [句意:我肯定你的信会马上得到关注。他们知道你在等待回复。immediate立即的,即刻的。如:I want an immediate reply.我要求立即得到答复。They know you're waiting for the reply.提示我们选择 immediate。]

6.With the electricity__________,all the machines stopped. A.cut off B.cut up

C.was cut off D.was cut down

答案 A [with是介词,其后不能接句子,排除C、D两项。cut off(水、电等)切断;cut up切碎。] 7.The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught __________in the exam. A.to cheat B.cheating C.cheated D.cheat

答案 B [句意:因为汤姆被发现在考试中作弊,所以老师把他叫到办公室。catch sb doing sth为固定用法,意为“某人做某事时被抓个正着”。]

8.As a teacher,you should do your best to make your class __________and interesting. A.lively B.living C.lovely D.live

答案 A [句意为:作为老师,你应该竭尽全力使你的课生动而有趣。lively在此意为“有活力的”。] 9.Jack was very proud because his design for the school wallpaper was__________. A.admitted B.adopted C.addicted D.adapted

答案 B [adopt意为“采纳,采用”,符合题意。admit承认;addict沉迷于,对……上瘾;adapt适应。] 10.The artists started an important art movement __________show the 20th century's city life. A.aiming to B.aims to C.aims at D.aimed at

答案 A [aim to do sth意为“目的是,旨在”,也可用aim at doing sth结构。] Ⅵ.完形填空

Most people hate rock music.___1__I am not by nature an unreasonable or biased(有偏见的)person,two personal __2__of rock music during the past two weeks have __3__me that it has become a __4__for those of us with enough common sense to see its potential(潜在的)dangers to __5__.My first experience was the __6__that if I spoke to my teenage son when he was listening to rock music through headphones,he replied in an __7__loud voice,as if there was something wrong with his __8__.The second occurred when I went with him to a __9__and saw for myself what these affairs are like. __10__I went to that concert,I had always taken the “ live- and-let-live”__11__that rock music was simply not my taste but that other people had every __12__to enjoy it if it was theirs.But what I saw and heard made me believe that we are __13__something very powerful to take possession of the younger generation.In the first place,I noticed a collective madness,brought about by the __14__level.But secondly,and far more __15__,I observed that after a time everyone was __16__by the noise.By the end I was in the middle of a faceless __17__who clapped and stamped and jumped around like __18__.I seriously believe that in time to come our __19__younger generation would thank us if we managed to put a __20__to it now. 1.A.If B.While C.When D.Even

答案 B [句意:虽然我天生不是一个不讲理的或有偏见的人……。while此处含有让步之意,意为“虽然”。]

2.A.happenings B.hearings C.experiences D.affairs

答案 C [由下文第6题前提到的experience判断。此处为experiences表示“经历”,为可数名词。] 3.A.persuaded B.treated C.punished D.encouraged 答案 A [persuade sb that“说服某人……”。treat“对待”;punish“惩罚”;encourage“鼓励”。] 4.A.job B.problem C.pleasure D.duty

答案 D [指出摇滚音乐存在的潜在危险对我们这些有常识的人来说是一种责任。本文重在讲述摇滚乐的消极方面。]

5.A.let them out B.pick them up C.find them out D.point them out

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