

10、 我不太清楚他为什么没有来,即可能是他不感兴趣,也可能是


I am not sure why he didn’t come, either he wasn’t interesting or he forgot.

11、 社会应该既尊重科学家,也尊重环卫工人。

Society not only respects scientists but also garbage collectors.

12、 他对自己的钱和时间都挺抠门的。

He is mean / miserly with both money and time.



Do you know that all things considered, it is a not bad idea to be a teacher. Actually I think it is an excellent idea. 2、我不大喜欢你像刚才那样用讽刺的口气说话。你好像老是在暗示,我是什么都不会的废物。

I don't like it when you talk to me in/have/use a sarcastic tone the way you did just now. You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.


It is really considerate of my father to let me make the final



decision. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a good father.


You said you don't want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don't see what's wrong with college students earning some money during their spare time. 5、不知道为什么,这个曲调听起来很熟,但是我就是记不起来了。反正是一首俄罗斯民歌。

Somehow this tune sounds quite familiar. I just can't recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song. 6、除了一贯的周末家务,我明天还有一大堆家庭作业要做。真是糟透了。

Besides the usual weekend housework, I have a whole pile of homework to do tomorrow. It's really terrible.


To demonstrate our unhappiness at/about/over the recent dispute, we put off our Foreign Minister's visit indefinitely. 8、天快黑了。离下一个城市还有两个小时的车程。我们不如就在这树林里露营算了,支个帐篷,生个篝火,好好睡它一觉,明天在赶路。 It's getting dark. The next town is still two hours' drive away.



We might as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build a fire, and have a good sleep before we continue our journey tomorrow. 9、听到有人说他们不觉得考试作弊有什么丢脸的,我真吓了一跳。你不觉得最可耻的事情莫过于我们已经不知羞耻了吗?

I am really shocked to hear that some people do not consider cheating at exams shameful. Isn't it the most shameful thing that we have no sense of shame?

1、 我年轻时,人们就是这样生活的。

That was the way people lived their lives when I was young. 2、琼斯太太像爱自己的孩子一样爱她的学生。

Ms Jones loves her students the way she loves her own children. 2、 那个农民的妻子不喜欢某些年轻人对待父母的态度。

The farmer's wife doesn't like the way some young people treat their parents.

3、 有了大姚在队里,不愁打不败对手。

They'll beat their rivals with Big Yao on the team. 4、 那人双手掩面坐在椅子上。

The man was sitting in his armchair, with his face buried in his hands.

5、 他发现电视开着很难专心做作业。



With the TV on , he found it hard to concentrate on his homework.

6、 在不带现金的旅途中,人们对他的态度使作者深信:人们仍然


The way people treated him when he took his journey without taking along cash convinced the writer that people can still lean/depends on strangers. 7、 白菜的价格飙升,他们决定增加进口。

With the price of cabbages soaring, they decided to increase imports from other countries.

8、这些年轻人组织校园活动的办法,表现除了他们的领导素质。The way these young people organized campus activities showed their leadership qualities.


He stood with his arms stretched out as a customs officer searched him with a portable scanner.



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