
时代新课程8B U1

P4,13、What did Mr. Chen ( )about the centre of toen? A/say B/talk C/speak D/tell 四、3、在那个镇的周围有许多鞋厂。

There are mangy ( ) ( ) ( )the town. 4、他们上个月搬到了相距两个街区的另一套公寓中。

They ( )into ( )flat two ( ) ( )last month. P5,一、7、There are lots of ( )(现代的)towns in East China now.

二、7、L( ),the police found the five climbers trapped in the snow after two days.

8、Would you like to tell us your f( ) plan? What will you do nex?

三、5、Nobody ( )(get) any information about the coming competition so far. 8、 He says the traffic problem ( )(become) worse in a few years. P7/9、——You don’t look well. What’s wrong? ——I ( )(catch) a bad cold.

12、Look,the rain ( )(stop).We can start the match. 五、1、事实上,他还并不知道发生了什么事。

( ) ( ),he ( ) ( )what has happened.

P9、一、1、The engineer told me that my car was in very good ( )(状况)。 二、4、Peter has made many Chinese friends since he ( )to China. 三、2、当地的人们以前常常沿河而住。

Local people ( ). P11、一、1、Mr Chen ( )(fly) to New York for a meeting the next morning. 2、The computer ( )(bring) us great changes in our life. 二、2、How long have you ( ) your new mobile phone,Terry? 11、There are ( ) people in the small city now than before. A /much more B/lot more C/many more D/much 14、The big changes in the city also ( ) us some ( ). A /has brought; questions B/ have brought; problem C/ has brought; questions D/ have brought; problems

P13、一、27、进出镇子( )



P21、一、5、You can find Harbor Bridge near the ( ) . A /River Seine B/ Big Ben C/ Great Wall D/ Opera House 三、1、我们准备下周六到黄山区玩。

We ( ) ( ) on a ( ) ( ) Mount Huang nest Saturday.


( ) ( ) ( ) in the trip made me ( ) ( ) ( ).


We ( ) yesterday. 三、10/ I’ll show you all the photos when I ( ) back from Hong Kong. A /will come B/ come C/ comes D/ to come

P25、一、7、I will show my photos to you ( ) I come back from Denmark. A /since B/when C/ for D/because 二、1、你有没有看过立体电影?


How long ( )English?

P29、二、2、The number of cars in cities ( )(become) bigger in a few years.


SuZhou ( ) ( ) ( ) its Chinese ( ) around the world.


The trip to Singapore ( ) last summer holiday ( ) ( ). I really want to ( ) there ( ). 9、春天是观赏中国园林的最佳时间。

Spring is ( ) Chinese gardens. P31、一、14、We all had ( ) at the beach in Sanya last month. A /great funny B/lots of funs C/much fun D/lots fun

二、9、More and more ( )(visit) become interested in the small town near the mountain.

三、4、Has Mr.Zhang ( )(stop) smoking yet?


Yes,he ( )(stop) smoking last month.

8、The Class students ( )(go) to the museum later that day,and they ( )(stay) there for about three hours. P34、三、3、我从8岁开始就会自己照顾自己了。

I ( ) since I was eight years old. 5、这条街两旁有许多海鲜饭店。

There are ( ) this street.


P41、一、9、Children can also learn someing when p ( ) computer games. 二、1、How lucky you were ( )(see) two movie stars at the airport! 10、Usually there ( )(be)more rain in summer than in winter here.

12、He ( )(know) a lot about computers after ( )(come) to our school.


I often use my computer ( ). 10、你能告诉我电脑的不同用处吗?

Can you tell me the ( )?

P45、二、1、More and more Chinese people hope to travel to ( )(Europe) countries for holiday.


Why ( )?

P47、一、6、It’s a long times since I ( )(hear) from my online friend. 8、Nobody saw him ( )(leave) the meeting room.Is he still there? 二、4、你和彼得认识多长时间了?自从他来到我们班,我们就认识了。 How long ( ) Peter?

I ( ) to our class.

P49、一、10、What ( )(课程) have you chosen to study next term,Mike? P52、三、7、Would you like to ( ) us ( ) about your favourite game? A /say; something B/talk; anything C/tell; something D/speak; anything


What ( ) the computers ( ) ( ) ( ) twenty years?


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