


1. 本场考试时间为120分钟,试卷分为听力和笔试两部分,共计150分。

2. 请将A卷选择题答案按题号顺序填涂在答题卡上,其中A卷听力31-40题的答案按要求

写在A卷答题上;请把B卷答案按序号写在答题卷的指定区域和位置内,否则不得分。 听力出题人:文娜


笔试出题人:张寻寻、吴丹、张熙 审题人:龙瑾

A 卷 (75 marks)

Part I Listening(40 marks)

I. Listen to 5 questions or sentences and choose the correct response according to what you’ve heard from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read just once. (5 marks)

1. A. It’s for opening bottles. B. It’s for sending faxes.

C. It’s for taking photos. D. It’s for washing yourself. 2. A. Yes, I can speak it well. B. No, I can’t.

C. No, I am sorry I can’t. D. I can’t speak it at all. 3. A. You turn on the switch. B. You turn the knob. C. You turn the switch. D. You press the knob.

4. A. No, I don’t move. B. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. C. I’m sorry I’ll move. D. Yes, I can park my car here.

5. A. Sorry, you can’t. B. Of course, here you are. Try it on, please.

C. We don’t have a large size. D. This one is OK. Can you try it again.

II. Listen to five short dialogues and choose the correct answers to the questions.

Each dialogue will be read just once. (5 marks)

6. A. Walmart B. home C. the garage D. the petrol


7. A. playing B. wasting time C. studying hard D.


8. A. casual clothes B. his school uniform

C. jeans and T-shirts D. fashionable clothes

9. A. when you’re late B. when the building is on fire

C. when there is an earthquake(地震) D. when the building is falling down 10. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday

III. Listen to a passage and judge the following statements true or false. If it’s true, choose A; if it’s false, choose B. The conversation will be read twice. (5 marks)

11. Women can drive cars in every country except in Saudi Arabia now.

12. Saudi families paid private drivers money for their female members because they

were rich.

13. The number of the private drivers for Saudi women was around 800,000.


14. Saudi women couldn’t drive until September 26, 2017. 15. Saudi women are happy that they can drive.

IV. Listen to a conversation and choose the correct answers to the questions. Each passage will be read twice. (5 marks) 16. Where are they?

A. They are in a clinic. B. They are at the police station. C. They are on the road. D. They are at school. 17. What happened to Jesse?

A. He had an accident with a pedestrian. B. He had an accident with a moped rider.

C. He had an accident with a car driver. D. He had an accident with a motorbike rider.

18. Which part of his body is hurt?

A. His left arm. B. His right hand. C. His left arm. D. His right leg.

19. How much fine should the person pay?

A. 500 Dollars. B. 500 DM. C. 500 RMB. D. 500 Pounds. 20. What shouldn’t Jesse do?

A. Take some medicine. B. Have some fresh fruit.

C. Eat some oily food. D. Lie on the bed for at least three days.

Ⅴ. Listen to two passages and choose the correct answers to the questions. Each passage will be read twice. (10 marks)


21. Why will they have have to start early tomorrow?

A. Because it’s a long way to Chester. B. Because there’s only one bus to go to Chester. C. Because they will have an early breakfast. D. Because it’s going to rain later. 22. When will the bus leave?

A. Before 6:30. B. At 6:30 C. After 6:30 D. by 6:13 23. Which is the first place they will visit?

A. An old palace B. A beautiful park. C. An old market D.A quiet museum

24. How much should one pay for the palace?

A. 3.15 pounds B. 3.50 pounds C. 8 pounds D. 18 pounds 25. What’s the speaker’s mobile phone number?

A. 07662-292569 B. 02776-922659 C. 07762-922569 D. 02777-922659


26. Which of the following is NOT true of the Yanfang Line? A. It is a driverless subway line. B. Its train is made in China. C. It connects Beijing and Shanghai. D. Its train has more than 900 seats.

27. How long is the NO. 7 subway line?

A. 16.6 kilometers. B. Less than 11.6 kilometers. C. Longer than 16.6 kilometers. D. 11.6 kilometers. 28. What may happen to the trains controlled by human drivers? A. The drivers may not know how to use the special equipment . B. They can’t be used around the world.

C. Drivers may suddenly be ill or become tired. D. Drivers can solve all the problems on the train. 29. How to make the driverless train work?

A. A special equipment can pull the starting engine. B. The leading mechanic makes the train run. C. It is controlled by the passengers.

D. It can be started and stopped by the computer.

30. The world’s first automatic subway line appeared in

A. Tokyo B. London C. Beijing D. Victoria

Ⅵ. Listen to a conversation. Fill in each blank with only one word according to

what you’ve heard from the tape. The conversation will be read twice. (5 marks) Jackie chen, the idol of all people, is the most 31 actor in China and he is also famous around the world for his amazing Kongfu movies. Jackie Chen’s early life experiences At seven Chinese Opera school 32 him how to dance, sing and play kongfu. Life at that time was harsh and difficult. At seventeen He and his classmates worked in the movies as unknown 33 , doing frightening skills to make a living. At twenty-first He was chosen to play in a Kongfu movie as a 34 part. The movie was very successful and welcomed by all the audiences. The next few He went to film in Hollywood. He was popular with years American people though, he felt 35 during these years. So he made a decision to come back to China. nowadays

Jackie pays more attention to the charity work, helping people who are in need.

Ⅶ. Listen to a passage. Fill in the blanks with only one word according to what you’ve heard from the tape. The passage will be read twice. (5 marks)

There have been many great ___36_____ that changed our life. For example,


wheel__37____ important today. In the second half of the 19 century, ____38____ kinds of great machines were made by people. Among them were the camera, the __39___


light and the radio. The first part of the 20 century saw more great changes. With the development of society and technology, people now expect to explore more about____40_____. Someday in the future, people will be allowed to do things we’ve never dreamed of.

Part II Written Test (110 marks)

I. Multiple choice. (10 marks)

41. IphoneX has been a real hit recently, it’s reported that IphoneX can recognize your face to unlock the phone in seconds because of its new feature ‘Face ID’. A. read B. identify C. remember D. picture

42. Nelson Mandela, a boy raised by a family in South Africa, is one of the most famous politicians in the world.

A. grown up B. who grew up C. brought up D. brings up 43. To everyone’s surprise, LuHan officially announced his relationship with Guan Xiaotong, which made their fans devastated.

A. To everyone’s amazement B. It amazes no one

C. To meet everyone’s expectation D. It surprises everyone 44. ----What’s wrong _______ the mirror? ----It’s got a mark _______it.

A. for; on B. about; in C. with; in D. with; on

45. You can have _______ the cakes ______this strawberry one because it’s for your little brother. You know how he likes strawberry cakes.

A. all; besides B. all; except C. none; except D. some; besides 46. ----Will you go shopping this afternoon, sweetheart? ----Yes, but I haven’t decided_______ to buy.

A. what B. which C. how D. where

47. I found ______ too hard to understand what my English teacher said in class. I was very ________.

A. that; frustrated B. it was; frustrating C. it; frustrated D. it’s; frustrated 48. Suddenly, I turned around and saw a smartly dressed man ______ next to the windows, with his arms ____.

A. stands; crossed B. standing; crossing C. stand; crossing D. standing; crossed

49. Of the two coats, I’d choose ________ one to spare some money for a book. A. the cheapest B. the cheaper C. more expensive D. cheaper 50. Jessie wears__________ coat ________ white buttons every Sunday in winter. A. a trendy loose cotton, with B. an old-fashioned loose cotton,


C. a baggy polyester fashionable, with has

II. Cloze test. (15 marks)

D. an old-fashioned cotton loose,

One summer night, on my way home from work, I decided to see a movie because

I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my 51 apartment.

Sitting in the theater I had to look through the space between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the angle (角度) 52 the woman leaned(倾斜)over to talk to the man 53 the man leaned over to kiss the woman. Why do Americans express such feelings in a 54 place?

I thought the movie would be good for my English, but it turned out, it was a(n) 55 movie. After about an hour I decided to give up the movie and 56 my popcorn(爆米花). I’ve never understood why they give me so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 57 .

After a while I heard 58 more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I could only hear the 59 of the popcorn crunching (嘎扎的响声) between my teeth. My thought started to wander(走神). I remembered when I still lived in 60 , I used to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me 61 I saw him again years later in New York. He spoke 62 English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t even have a Korean accent(口音)when he spoke English and I 63 I had been cheated(被骗了).

When our family moved to the United States from the South Korea six years ago, none of us spoke any English. After we had learned a few words, it was still a hard language for us. So my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but from that day on, our house became very 64 and we all seemed to avoid(避免) talking to each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, and avoid speaking the 65 language. Mother tried to say something in English, but it came out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We have been speaking Korean at home ever since. 51. A. small B. hot C. crowded D. messy 52. A. any time B. all the time C. some time D. every time 53. A. while B. whenever C. or D. so 54. A. private B. public C. dark D. open 55. A. English B. Italian C. Korean D. American 56. A. exchange B. eat C. throw away D. ask for 57. A. too B. still C. though D. certain 58. A. much B. any C. no D. few 59. A. voice B. sound C. taste D. smell 60. A. Italy B. America C. England D. South Korea 61. A. until B. because C. then D. therefore 62. A. formal B. informal C. perfect D. practical 63. A. felt B. looked C. seemed D. appeared 64. A. empty B. quiet C. noisy D. calm 65. A. easy B. famous C. nice D. difficult

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