
Unit 2Great People

Lesson 7 What Is the Meaning of Life?

1. 教材分析 1. Analysis of the Students

The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in grMost of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching Content

Lesson 7 is the first lesson in Unit 2, Book 5.This unit focus on the subjectGreat peopleStudents cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 7 mainly talks about the meaning of life, and to be happy to have a successful life.

2. 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read, understand and use the new words and phrases e.g. meaning, dialogue, successful, survey, be deep in thought, succeed in, be good to…, write down. 2. To master the sentence patterns: (1) succeed in sth or doing sth.


n by...?


(2) What does... mean? =What's the meaning of...? =What do you 【能力目标】

To be able to talk about the meaning of life. 【情感目标】

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To be happy to have a successful life. 【教学重点】

To use the new words and phrases to talk about the meaning of life. 【教学难点】

To use the new words and phrases to talk abouhappy to have a successful life. t the meaning of life. And to be

3. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 5. 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up

Free talk: What’s the meaning of life. Step 2. Presentation

1. Introduce some great people in our country (with their pictures). 2. Explain “neighbours”.

3. Listen to the passage and tick the sentences mentioned. Become famous. Have a h

appy family.

Attend a good university. Make other people happy. Have a satisfying job. Be rich.

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4. Read the lesson and answer the questions. (1)What is Li Ming thinking about? (2)What does Wang Mei think we should do?(3)What doesay?

5. Language points:

After the history class,Li Ming sits in the classroom,deep in thought.

deep in thought意为“深思,沉思”,还可以用lost in thought表示。其中thought为名词,意为“思考,思索”。 thou


s Li Ming’s father always

What are you thinking about?

think about意为“考虑”,一般可与think of互换,后接名词、代词、动词-ing形式,也可接“疑问词+动词不定式”结构或宾语从句think of意为“考虑,想起,认为”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,常用于疑问句中,与what连用。 think over意为“认真考虑,仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语,当接代词时,应将代词放在think与over之间。 What is the meaning of life?

meaning为名词,意为“意思,意义”。the meaning of…意为“……的意思/意义”。 (1)mean为动词,意为“意欲、打算”。mean to do sth.意为“意欲/打算做某事”。 (2)询问“……是什么意思?”的常用句型: What does…mean? What is the meaning of…? What do you mean by…? Do you ever wonder about that?

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