八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版

W: 30 yuan.

M: All right. I will take two tickets please. Here’s the money. D)听第一篇短文,回答第13~15小题,完成信息记录表。

Hi, Peter. Thank you very much for your telephone call. I’m glad to tell you that we have two double rooms ready for you now. The two rooms are on the fourth floor and you can have a good look at the beach nearby. You can walk to the beach in two minutes. The price for each room is $200 each night. Every morning from 7:00 to 9:30, your breakfast is free, but you have to pay for your lunch and supper if you eat in our hotel. If you have any further questions or any special needs, just let us know and we shall be very pleased to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel on August 10. And hope you’ll stay with us. E)听第二篇短文,回答16—20小题。

People can find bears in many places in the world. They have large bodies, thick legs but short tails. Bears not only eat meat. They almost eat everything. Bears are not so dangerous as people think them to be. Bears are very brave. Many hunters were killed by bears when they wanted to kill bears.

Bears have very good smell but very poor eyesight. So they usually find something with their noses, not with their eyes. Bears are cleverer than most other animals because they can think of something. They can also walk only with their “feet”. They are our friends. We should try our best to protect them.


1-5 ABCCC 6-10 BABAC 11-15 AACAC 16-20 CCBAC 二、单项选择题

21-25 ABCCC 26-30 BDACA 31-35 CCDDD 三、完型填空

36-40 ADBDA 41-45 ABCDA 46-50 CDBDA 四、阅读理解

51-55 CCABD 56-58 ADB 59-61 DBD 62-65 DABC 五、单词拼写


66.abroad 67. magic 68.factories 69. realized 70. interview 71. enjoy 72. interested 73.advice 74. though 75. forget 六、选词填空

76.Beauty 77.Luckily 78. been away from 79.business 80. taken action 81.all his life 82. times 83. dangerous 84.dead 85. In some ways, 七、完成句子

86. taking photos; 87. any, except; 88.at high speed;

89. keep in touch with each other; 90. has turned it into a park 八、任务型阅读

91. southeast 92.languages 93 through 94.farmland 九、书面表达

Changes in My Hometown

When I returned to my hometown last month, I found it changed a lot.

My hometown used to be a quiet small town. There were green hills and clean water. The air was fresh. People went around by bike or on foot. But now it has become a modern town. There are many tall buildings and you can see wide roads everywhere. Many buses drive past our community every day. And many people have bought their own cars, so it’s easy to travel around. However, the changes of my hometown have also brought us a lot of trouble. For example, the water is not as clean as before. I think we should work together to make our environment much better.



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