苏教牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit 7《Chinese festivals》word单元教案

Unit 7 Chinese festivals



本单元的句型有两个,都是一般现在时态,一个是用表达节日的日期,一个是用描述人们在不同节日里的常见活动和庆祝方式。 教学目标:

1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 spring festival, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, the double ninth festival, rice cae, dumpling等。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 January, February, May, June, September, October等。 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 The spring festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival.

4. 能知道字母th在单词中的读音。 教学重难点:

1.句型:The spring festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival. 2.语音:字母组合th在单词中的读音。 课时安排:5课时 第1课时:Story time

第2课时:Fun time &, Grammar time 第3课时:Cartoon time

第4课时:Sound time and Checout time 第5课时:Ticing time(review)

第1课时Story time


1. 能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:Double Ninth Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival.

2. 能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。

3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 教学重点和难点:

能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 Teaching procedure Step 1 greeting Step 2 Pre-reading

T do you lie games? So first, let’s play a game read and guess (1) red pocet, dumplings (students try to read together) T what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.

(2)moon caes , rice dumplings (students try to read together) what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.

(3)climbing the mountain, a rice cae (students try to read together) what festival is it ? ------ Double ninth festival.

(4) Dragon boat, rice dumplings. (students try to read together) )what festival is it ? ------ Dragon boat festival.

T Show all the new words, who can read them? After teaching to read, ss can read together. T great. loo, they are all about Chinese festival. (show the title of unit7, Ss read ) Today our topic is Chinese festivals, what other festivals do you now? Step 3 While-reading

(1)T Loo, here is a boo Chinese festival. This lesson we will learn more about it. First, please read the pieces silently and try to understand the tet, 2 minutes for you..

After silent reading, teacher shows a tas of page70 loo and match, as Ss to finish. (2) Show picture 1

T It’s about spring festival. When is it?

Ss It’s in …出示月份January, February,帮助学生回答。 T What do they do? Ss They……..

T How do you spend your spring festival? Ss I ……

Tips Ff we meet the new words we can guess according to the pictures. T Now, let’s read after the tape.

(3) T This time, I want you to read the rest 3 pictures loudly. 3 minutes. (4) Listen and circle the dates and things they are taling about. (5) Let’s chec. Step 4 Post-reading

1. Loo at the pictures again. Can you say something about them? Please do in your group. Only 5 minutes.

2. Boys and girls, we learn a lot from the storyboo, right? Do you remember the details? Chinese festival

date activity food

3. Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blacboard. Step 4 Homewor

1. Loo for more Chinese festivals 2. Try to retell the tet after class.


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