
专题四 语法填空




The choices people make can cause cancer.Not everyone who 1 (use) tobacco products will get cancer, but the chance of getting certain 2 (type) of cancer increases with tobacco use.The recent research 3 (show) us that the constant misuse or overuse of alcohol may cause cancer of the mouth

and throat as well recently.

Sometimes cancer can be caused by radiation 4 (find) in sunlight and X-rays, in addition 5 other places.This doesn't mean you should stop getting X-rays or stay indoors, but limiting your 6 (expose) to radiation can reduce the chances of developing cancer.The X-rays you get at 7 doctor's or dentist's office are not 8 (typical) enough to cause


And sometimes, the reason 9 someone gets cancer is simply an unfortunate mystery.Some cells in the body may start to increase and change.Doctors and researchers can see it happening, 10 they cannot

provide a description of why it started.



1.uses [考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此句为关系代词who引导的定语从句,先行词为不定代词“everyone”,谓语动词应用第三人称单数;且此处陈述一般事实,应用一


2.types [考查名词的复数。句意:……患某些类型癌症的概率会随着烟草的使用而


3.has shown [考查动词的时态。句意:最近的研究已经向我们证明酗酒或过度地饮酒可能也会导致口腔癌和咽喉癌。句中含有时间状语“recently”,故应用现在完成时。

故填has shown。]

4.found [考查非谓语动词。句意:有时癌症是由于阳光和X射线的辐射引起的……分析句子结构可知,动词find在句中为非谓语,与其逻辑主语“radiation”之间为动宾


5.to [考查固定短语。in addition to为固定短语,意为“除……之外”,符合语

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6.exposure [考查词性转换。根据空格前的“your”可知,此处为形容词性物主代




7.the [考查冠词。 句意:你在医院或牙科诊所里照的X射线通常不足以引起癌

症。at the doctor's是固定搭配,意为“在医院”。故填冠词the。 ]

8.typically [考查词性转换。 空格处修饰形容词“enough”,应用typical的

9.why [考查定语从句。句意:有时一些人患癌症的原因仅仅只是一个不幸的谜团。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,指代先行词“reason”,在从句中作原因状

10.but [考查连词。句意:医生和研究者能够观察到它正在发生,但是他们无法解

释它开始的原因。空格前后为转折关系。故填but。] 【导学号:90892075】



Baidu is not a doctor

When people 11 (face) with a health or nutrition question, it's 12 (increasing) common to go online and diagnose(诊断) themselves.But the Internet is full of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to get rid

of the wrong advice, some of which 13 (be) extremely dangerous!

Also, search engines rank results by popularity rather than 14 (accurate), so solid facts can be tricky to find.It's worth 15 (check) if the writer of an online piece is properly qualified as an expert.Anyone can call 16 (they) a “diet expert”, “nutritionist” and even a “doctor”—given it could refer to qualifications like a PhD.But remember, only officially 17 (recognise) practicing doctors as well as dietitians have degrees in giving medical 18 (suggest).So if you're unsure and still wondering 19 the chocolate diet really does work or not, then it pays to make 20 appointment with your dietitian or doctor.The truth is

out there, and you just need to look in the right place!



11.are faced [考查固定搭配和动词的时态。be faced with...是固定搭配,意为“面对……”。people为集合名词,谓语动词应用复数形式;又因全文时态为一般现在

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时,故填are faced。]

12.increasingly [考查词性转换。此处用increasing的副词形式修饰形容词




13.is [考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,本句的主语是“some of which”,which指代前面的不可数名词“advice”,故空格处应用be动词的单数形式。此处应用一

14.accuracy [考查词性转换。句意:同时,搜索引擎的排位结果是按受欢迎程度而不是按准确性……空格处和前面的名词“popularity”并列,故应用名词形式。故填

15.checking [考查非谓语动词。be worth doing sth.是固定结构,意为“值得做


16.themselves [考查代词。句意:任何人都可自称为饮食专家,营养学家……call


17.recognised [考查非谓语动词。此处表示官方认可的,逻辑主语“doctors”和



18.suggestions [考查词性转换和名词的复数。空格处作非谓语动词“giving”的宾语,应用名词形式,指只有被官方认可的医生才有资格给出医学建议,因此用复数形

19.whether/if [考查宾语从句。句意:如果你不确定,仍然想知道巧克力饮食是否会起作用……宾语从句成分完整,在“wondering”后面表示不确定,拿不准,应用




Australia's bicentenary in 1988.


20.an [考查冠词。此处表示和医生预约,是泛指概念。appointment是可数名词,

The Chinese Garden of Friendship was built as a beautiful symbol of friendship 21 Sydney in the State of New South Wales and Guangzhou in the province of Guangdong, China(sister cities of sister states), to mark

The garden 22 (design) and built by Chinese landscape architects and gardeners 23 (follow) the Taoist principles of “Yin-Yang” and the five opposite elements—earth, fire, water,metal and wood.These principles also

stress the 24 (important) of Qi, the central force of life and energy.

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Yin-Yang 25 (play) such a vital role that just one missing element

would disrupt(扰乱) the garden's harmony and balance.However,when 26 (combine) perfectly, the five elements form a fluid and nurturing environment. Everything you encounter in the garden has been hand-picked and very carefully

placed to capture the five elements and the energy of Qi.

Unlike western-style gardens, there are no planted flowerbeds 27 neatly-cut lawns.Instead, wild 28 (aspect) of nature are recreated in

landscapes 29 feature waterfalls,mountains, lakes and forests.

The art of Chinese Garden design began in imperial parks during the Shang Dynasty 3,000 years ago.Darling Harbour's Chinese Garden of Friendship is a

small-scale version of a 30 (type)private garden from this time.



21.between [考查连词。between...and...意为“在……和……之间”,此处指作


22.was designed [考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,这座花园是由中国的景观设计师和园艺家设计修建的。主语“The garden”与“design”之间构成被动关系,且

此处是陈述过去发生的事情,因此应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was designed。]


23.following [考查非谓语动词。此处指景观设计师和园林师遵循道家的阴阳法则。根据语境可知,“architects and gardeners”与动词follow之间构成主动关系,故

24.importance [考查词性转换。句意:阴阳和五行强调“气”的重要性,它是生命和能量的主要力量。根据词法知识可知,此处应用important的名词形式作动词stress的


故填plays。] combined。]

25.plays [考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:阴阳起着如此关键的作用,以至于一个要素的缺失都会扰乱花园的和谐与平衡。根据语境可知,该句陈述的是客观事实,因此用一般现在时;主语“Yin-Yang”是抽象名词,因此谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。

26.combined [考查非谓语动词。句意:当五个要素完美结合时,就形成了一个流动的培养环境。此处when引导的是时间状语从句,主句主语“the five elements”与动词combine之间构成被动关系,故用被动语态,其中主语和be动词可省略。故填

27.or [考查连词。句意:与西式风格的花园不同,这个花园里没有种植花圃和修剪


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28.aspects [考查名词复数。根据下文中的“are recreated”可知主语是复数。故


29.that/which [考查定语从句。根据语境可知,这些风景以瀑布、大山、湖泊和森林为特色。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词“landscapes”,在从



30.typical [考查词性转换。根据空格前的“a”和空格后的“private garden”可

知,此处应用形容词作定语,故填typical。] 【导学号:90892076】


I want to talk about Miss Smith, a history teacher I had at secondary school 31 I was about 15.Most of the teachers I had were OK, 32 they gave the feeling that it was just a job.It seemed that Miss Smith really

33 (love) both history and teaching it.

One of the 34 (good) things about her lessons was that we didn't always have to study in an ordinary way.For example, rather than write an article for homework, usually we were allowed 35 (work) with a friend to write an imaginary dialogue between two historical 36 (figure).Then we

could perform it for the class.

I think Miss Smith influenced me in two important ways.Firstly, she made me 37 (interest) in history.Now I still read books on history and watch TV programs about it when I get the chance. 38 (second), she showed me how a teacher can use the students' own creativity to help them learn.Instead 39 just being a kind of audience for lessons, we were involved in 40

(decide) what happened in the lessons.



31.when [考查连词。根据语境可知,Smith老师是作者15岁上中学时的一个历史



32.but [考查连词。根据空格前的“were OK”及下文中的“it was just a job”可知,作者的大部分老师都很好,但是他们给人的感觉是教书只是一份工作,空格前后表

33.loved [考查动词的时态。文章总体时态为一般过去时。故填loved。]

34.best [考查形容词的最高级。“one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”意为“……中最……的一个”。根据语境可知,此处指她上课最大的一个优点是不总是用常规


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