
D.Can you sing any English songs? E.I couldn't sing or dance. 五、书面表达。(2015,河北)


Saturday Watch TV Go to a bookstore Sunday Visit grandparents …… 要求:(1)发言稿须包括三个所列要点和一个补充要点; (2)发言稿中四个要点都要适当发挥;


(4)词数:80个左右(已给出的开头和结尾不计入总词数)。 One possible version:

Hi,everyone! Here's my plan for the weekend.

On Saturday morning,I'm going to watch TV to relax myself after a long week's study.I like watching comedies and cartoons.On Saturday afternoon,I'm going to the bookstore to buy some books.Reading is one of my hobbies.

On Sunday,I'm going to visit my grandparents because I miss them very much.I'll help them do some housework.After I come back,I'll do my homework to get ready for the next week.

That's my weekend,like it? Thank you!

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