高一英语下unit 13单元测试2

Unit 13 Healthy eating

●目标导引 Ⅰ.单词及短语

fried,stomach,ought to,examine,plenty of,diet,keep up with,make the right choices,now and then

Ⅱ.语法:情态动词(1) had better,should,ought to ●内容精讲


1.stomach n. 肚子,胃,复数为stomachs。肚子疼:stomachache 构成短语有:

have a pain in the stomach 胃(腹)疼 lie on one's stomach 俯卧

have the stomach for? 对??有兴趣 turn one's stomach 使??恶心

on an empty/a full stomach 空着肚子/吃饱 2.bar n.


a bar of soap 一条肥皂

a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 a bar of gold一根金条 (2)酒吧 a coffee bar

(3)固定短语:behind bars 在狱中 3.plenty of

充分的,大量的,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,只用于陈述句,在疑问句中一般用enough,在否定句中用many 或much。注意:plenty of前面没有冠词a,不可误记成a plenty of。

e.g.Make sure there is plenty of food for everyone. We have plenty of chairs here. in plenty 充足地

There is food in plenty.=There is plenty of food. 4.diet n.

(1)正常饮食 a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 a diet of potatoes 土豆饮食

(2)饮食限制 go on a diet=be on a diet 节食,节食 No sugar in my coffee;I'm dieting. 5.disease n.疾病

a serious disease of the liver 严重的肝病 diseased adj.有病的

e.g.a diseased plant病态的植物 同义词区分:illness,disease

illness:很少指具体疾病,只表示抽象的疾病和生病的状态。 disease:指可以染上和传染他人的疾病。

e.g.Several children are away from school because of illness.

几个孩子因为生病没上学。 He has a rare heart disease. 他得了一种罕见的心脏病。 6.probably 与 possibly比较

(1)probably 极有可能,有几分根据的猜测;比possibly所指的可能性大些。

e.g.He is working hard and clever as well many people can help him.He will probably win. (2)possibly 可能地。表示客观上潜在的可能性,可能性比probably小,经常与情态动词can 或may 连用。

e.g.She may possibly be the greatest writer of her generation.她或许是她那一代人中最伟大的作家。

7.promise v.&n.允诺;答应

动词用法:后接名词或代词、不定式、that 从句

e.g.(1)They promised an immediate reply.他们答应立刻回复。 (2)He promised me to here at six o'clock.

=He promised me that he would be here at six o'clock. 他答应我他将在六点在这里等我。

(3)I promised you not to say that.我答应你不说那件事。

(4)It promises to be warm this afternoon.今天下午有望转暖。 (5)He is a promising boy.他是一个有前途的男孩。 名词用法:

make a promise 许下诺言 give a promise 许下诺言 keep a promise 信守诺言 carry out a promise 履行诺言 break a promise违背诺言 8.brain n.


The brain is the centre of higher nervous activity. 大脑是高等神经活动的中枢。

(2)用作可数名词brains,智力,头脑 She has a good brain.=She has good brains. 她很聪明。 Ⅱ.句子精讲

9.You ought to be careful with fruit.你应该对水果慎重。 be careful用法归纳

(1)be careful 单独使用,当心

Be careful!The pan is hot!当心!锅很热。 (2)be careful about?对??谨慎

I hope you'll be careful in future about the things you say. 我希望你将来对所说的事情谨慎。 (3)be careful of?留神??

We have to be careful of what they are doing. 我们得留神他们做的什么。 (4)be careful with?注意??

You must be more careful with your work. 你们需注意你们的工作。 有时be careful表示吝啬。

He's too careful with his money;he never buys a drink for anyone. 他太吝啬了,他从不给别人买杯水。 (5)be careful not to do sth.小心不要做?? We want to be careful not to break anything. 我们要小心不要打破任何东西。 (6)be careful+从句 加以小心

Be careful what you do.小心你做的一切。 10.Eating habits become part of who we are. 饮食习惯变成我们自身的一部分。 who we are 为介词of 的宾语从句。

eating habits 为动名词短语作句子的主语。动名词或不定式(短语)作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。Seeing is believing.

part of? ??的一部分

Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 大楼的一部分被火烧毁了。

a part of 指不足一半,意为“一小部分”。 e.g.We spent a part of our holiday in France. 我们的一部分假期是在法国度过的。

11.Organic vegetables are vegetables that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings and the environment.

有机蔬菜是不含对人类及环境有害的化学物的蔬菜。 (1)be harmful to?对??有害

be +adj.+to sb./sth. 指对某人或某物有??影响或态度如何。 be good to?

=be kind to?对??态度好 be friendly to?对??友好 be cruel to?对??凶残 be bad to?对??态度不好

be polite/impolite to?对??有礼貌/无礼貌 be rude to?对??粗鲁 (2)harm n.伤害 do harm to sb. =do sb.harm

=be harmful to sb.对某人有害

Smoking does harm to people.吸烟对人们有害。 类似的短语还有:

do sb.wrong=do wrong to sb.使某人受委屈 do sb.good=do good to sb.对某人有好处 12.The same goes for “crash diets” that some companies say will make us lose weight fast. 某些公司所说的迅速减肥食品也是一样的。 (1)go for?适用于??;应用于??

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