


2、ritual interaction 3、ticking 4、Assessing 5、increasingly 6-10、ABBDC 11、Instead of 12、intentions 13、putting off 14、guilty 15、wishing 16、blame 17、have

18、organizing 19、efficiently 20、subject to

unit 2

1、taking part 2、improvement 3、sacrifice 4、standards 5、compete 6-10、DCDAA 11、different sizes

14、or under 15、skill 16、control 17、extreme 18、injury 19、payment 20、worth it

unit 3

1、character 2、compromises

3、mutual 4、expectation 5、work out 6-10、BABDC 11、perfectly 12、sewing

13、distant objects


17、judging distances 18、slightly 19、background

20、different eye views


1、insurance salesman 2、

3、nourishing 4、

5、territory. 6-10、BBABA 11、abroad 12、fast food 13、amounts 14、inevitably 15、quality 16、served 17、medium 18、environment 19、reasonable 20、expensive


1、wept 2、packaged 3、filtered 4、harden

5、manufacturer 6-10、DDBCB 11、Experts

12、shelters 13、

14、the world's birth rate 15、Researchers

16、birth control devices

17、family planning programs 18、

19、population growth

20、fewer births than deaths



2、superficial 3、specific

4、characteristics 5、convey 6-10:DDBCA 11、belong 12、the way 13、overdressed 14、elegant 15、fashion 16、appropriate 17、skirt or pants

18、you will be under stress throughout your interview 19、move or act restlessly or nervously with a tight collar

20、they are truly comfortable and wear them before the big event 19、reasonable 20、expensive




II. Listening Skills

1. W: How much money is the rent for an apartment in this neighborhood? M: Your rent should be about a quarter of that. Q: How much should be the woman’s rent be?

2. M: I paid $3,500 for this digital camera. It was on sale at a 30$ discount. W: It’s a real bargain.

Q: How much did the camera cost originally?

3. M: What’s the rate for an economy car? W: The daily rate is $32, unlimited mileage.

Q: How much will the man pay if he rents the car for a week?

4. M: I’ll take these sweaters. How much do they cost?

W: They are $180 each and four makes a total of $720. But today we are offering a 20% discount.

Q: How much does the man have to pay?

5. W: What an old car you’ve got!

M: Well, it had run 12,000 miles when I bought it second hand. And it’s covered 3,080 miles since then.

Q: How many miles has the car run? 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B

III. Listening In

Task 1: It’s time to buy.

Mike: Hey, Robert, where are you off to?

Robert: I’m going to talk to a banker about a loan.

Mike: You are short of money? I thought you were the saving type. Robert: There’s a time to save and a time to spend.

Mike: I know all about spending. What’s the loan for? I have a few bucks I could…

Robert: I’m considering getting a mortgage to buy some property.

Mike: Do you think property is a good investment? I mean, it’s a lot of money. Robert: Well, Mike, as you know, property values have been going through the roof. If I had bought an apartment two years ago, its value would have gone up by 30 percent today.

Mike: And from what I know, interest rates are low now. Robert: Exactly. Sounds like a good time to buy. a banker a loan saving save spend a mortgage property Property values

risen/gone up/increased by 30 percent Task 2: Can I have my change please?

Tom was down on his luck and felt he needed a few drinks. Hw went to a bar and had several drinks. When he was done, he stood up and walked toward the door. The barman shouted after him, “Hey mister, are you going to pay for those drinks?”

Tom turned around and replied, “I have already paid you,” and then walked out of the bar. Almost immediately he saw one of his friends Richard and told him about the barman, “Just go in there and drink all you want, then get up and leave. When the barman asks you to pay the bill, just tell him you have already paid.”

This sounded easy enough, so Richard went in and has several drinks. The barman went to him and said, “Before you came in, another man was here. When I asked him to pay his bill, he told me he’d paid, but I don’t remember him paying me.”

Richard said, “I would love to stay and hear your story, but I don’t have time. Can I havemy change please?” 1. A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C Task 3: Why not just print money?

What’s the solution to a recession, a time of little economic activity? Just print money! Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Let’s see if this will work by using an example.

Let’s pretend that all the students in your class make up the ENTER population of the country, and the teacher represents the government. Let’s also pretend each student has exactly $1.00.

Since we are in a recession, let’s have the teacher, who represents the government, print money. He prints $1.00 more for everyone. Now everyone has $1.00 more to spend. More money to spend sounds like a great way to get us out of recession, since more money to spend means demand for goods and services.

Then if that works, why don’t we give MORE money away? How about $100? Now we have lots of money to spend. So no more recession, right?

Not really, because we have only looked at one side of the problem. As more and more people receive more and more money, what’ll happen?

Since everyone has more money, the students all go shopping to spend that extra money. This causes the demand for goods and services to rise, and people who sell goods and services raise price. For example, if you could buy a new music CD at $10 in the past, now the price could be $1,000! This is called inflation.

So, the original reason for printing all this money was to help get us of recession, but we have only replaced one problem with another. 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

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