


选修十 Unit 2《King Lear》单元测试2


I. 单项选择

1. While other scientists are keeping ____________eye on changes in the H5N1 bird flu strain, the scientists in England are working on vaccines, in case it becomes highly infectious in ______ humans.

A. a , / B. an, / C. the, an D. an, the 2. ____ him so far, she felt a little worried.

A.Having not hear from B.Not having heard from C.Not hearing from D.Have not heard from

3. A man who will ______ his life for his country is a true man. A. dedicate B. promote C. sacrifice D. devote 4. Most of the students in our school adore ______ to the cinema. A. to go B. go C. going D. to going

5. After much _______, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 15%. A. debating B. talking C. discussing D. bargaining

6. The officer demanded that such things ________ from happening again.

A. prevented B. prevent C. be prevented D. were prevented 7. Children must _______ road safety before they are allowed to ride a bike on the road.

A. instruct in B. instruct C. be instructed in D. be instructed 8. Mary was so touched by Tom's generosity that for a moment she was _______ for words.

A. in loss B. in a loss C. at loss D. at a loss 9. Most of the world's rice is grown in the tropical _______. A. section B. location C. district D. zone

10. The basketball player reacted _______ the judge's decision by withdrawing from the match.

A. on B. to C. against D. by

11. The Communist Party of China and Taiwan opposition People First Party (亲民党) yesterday reached wide-ranging consensus on cross-Straits dialogue, __________ the state of hostility and building up a peace framework. A.ended B.to end C.having ending D.ending

12. —Can I go to the beach with my classmates this afternoon, Mum? —You can go where you like ______ you get back before supper.

A.now that B.as if C.as long as D.even though 13. ______ , this kind of disease can do great harm to people there. A.Occurring where B.It occurs where it is

C.Where does it occur D.Where it occurs 14. — Would you _______ a drink?

—No, thanks. I have given up drinking.

A. care about B. care for C. care of D. take care of

15. The Smiths are a _______ couple and they are always ______ of other people's opinions.

A. respectable; respectful B. respectful; respectable C. respectable; respectable D. respectful; respectful 16. You can't go to the wedding in that old shirt, it's _______. A. beyond question B. out of question C, without question D. out of the question 17. — What do you think of the report? It ________ what we heard yesterday.

A. contacts B. contrasts C. contradicts D. contrasts 18. — Mary is sort of worried today. — How do you know?

The look on her face _______ her ______. A. gives…away B. gives…up C. gives…in D. gives out

19. He ______ his things and left for Shanghai. A. turned up B. looked up C. packed up D. made up

20. —It's wrong for a students to follow his teachers say. —It's true, I can't agree .

A.whatever;more B.no matter what; more C.whatever; much D.no matter what; much

II 完形填空

“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend's email, I laughed. I thought it was a typical _ 1__ of Chinglish.

Obviously it is a word-by-word literal(字面上的)translation of the Chinese greetings with a 2 English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American 3 .I was too delighted to believe her. Her words could not 4 me at all. So I did a 5 on Google. Com.. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages 6 “Long time no see”. This sentence has been 7 used in emails, letters, newspapers, moves, or any other possible place. Though it is 8 informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. 9 , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the 10 will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the 11 of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan's movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully 12 a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom 13 quoting (引

用) Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon “Long time on see” became a 14 phrase in America 15 the popularity of these movies.

Some people 16 America to a huge melting pot (熔炉). All kinds of culture are 17 in the pot together, and they 18 the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic group in the United States, is also 19 some changes to be 20 in the mixed pot.

1.A.example B. sign C. word D. change

2.A.damaged B. perfected C. learned D. ruined 3.A.custom B. greeting C. habit D. proverb

4.A.persuade B. encourage C. convince D. believe 5.A.job B. research C. survey D. search

6.A.containing B. printing C. publishing D. expressing 7.A.widely B. hardly C. seldom D. search 8.A.lots of B. plenty of C. lots of D. sort of

9.A.Unfortunately B. Luckily C. However D. Suddenly

10.A.hardware B. software C. operator D. speaker 11.A.use B. origin C. expression D. meaning

12.A.created B. published C. did D. discovered

13.A.by B. in C. with D. of

14.A.ordinary B. rare C. modern D. popular

15.A.because B. as to C. thanks to D. but for

16.A.compare B. add C. join D. owe

17.A.joined B. mixed C. compiled D. done 18.A.improve B. change C. lower D. promote

19.A.owing B. putting C. taking D. contributing

20.A.influenced B. mentioned C. used D. considered

III 阅读理解


Below is some advice on how to sleep better. 1.Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule

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