六年级英语寒假作业 练习七



1. The Little girl is ___________(call) Lucy.

2. One of the ___________(apple) is over there. 3. Tuesday is the __________(three)day of the week. 4. Would you like __________(sing) an English song. 5. I am going __________(celebrate) my birthday.

6. Don’t _________(talk) to him. He _________(do) his homework. 7. Every day Jim _______(swim) with peter.

8. Let him ___________(help) her ________(carry) the things. 9. She wants ___________(incite) you to her birthday party. 10. Miss Li is _________(begin) her lesson now.


1. You can play basketball _________ Peter ________school.

2. My birthday is _________August. Her birthday is ______ October 1st. 3. It’s time _________for him ________get up. 4. Please give the knife ________Lucy. 5. I will invite you __________ my home. 6. The dress ______ Lucy is nice. 7. They are very friendly ________ us. 8. He enjoys farming _________the farm.

9. She asks us ________help her ______her English.

10. You should hand _______your homework _________time. 三、句型转换

1. Teachers’ Day is on September 10tn.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________ 2. He does it like this. (否定句)

_______________________________________________ 3. Peter give the presents to the girls. (同义句)

_______________________________________________ 4. The shop closes in the evening. (对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________ 5. I would like some cups of tea. (一般疑问句)

_______________________________________________ 6. November, of, year, the, month, is, eleventh, the. (.) _______________________________________________ 7. Like, not, play, that, basketball, do. ( . )

_______________________________________________ 8. There is a child on the playground. (复句)

_______________________________________________ 9. They come from America. (单句)

_______________________________________________ 10.It’s time for lunch.(同义词)



Choose the best answer 单项选择填空

( ) 1. There boys are good ______ swimming. A. for B. in C. on D. at ( ) 2. Could you get some food _______ me, please? A. to B. for C. of D.at

( ) 3. We go to school ______ bus _____ 6:30 _______ the morning. A. at ; at ; in B. by ; at ; on C. at ; by ; on D. by ; at ; in ( ) 4. You must come _______next time. A. a little earlier B. little early C. little earlier D. a little early ( ) 5. We can see some ______ on the hill. A. Apple tree B. apples tree C. Apple trees D. apples trees ( ) 6. —When shall we meet? —Let’s _______ it at ten.

A. make B. meet C. get D. be ( ) 7. —Would you like _____ thirsty. —Yes. please. I’m ______thirsty.

A. some ; a little B. any ; a little C. some ; a few D. any ; little

( ) 8. Ann often _______ her mother _________ the clothes. A. helped, washed B. helps washes C. helped, washing D. helps, wash ( ) 9. Picking apples ______ than having classes.

A. is, interesting B. is, more interesting C. are, interesting D. are, more interesting ( ) 10. Why not ______ to Shanghai by train?

A. going B. went C. go D.goes


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