

Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一、单项填空(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) ( )1. What do you think of the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory?

It's一一一一. I like watching it A boring

B. funny C, surprising D, terrible

( )2. I ___ soap operas, They are boring .

A can't stand B, like C. love D, don't mind

( )3 Does John want一一一一talk show? C, watches

A to watch B, watch c. watches D, watching ( )4. What kind of movies does Maria ? She_____ comedies, A like; likes

B, likes; like

C, like; like D, likes; likes

( )5. I didn't expect___ anything enjoyable at all A. saw

B, see C, seeing D, to see

( )6. I don't mind____ soap operas A. watch

B. to watch C. watching D. watched

( )7. It's a pleasure for me to meet you and I hope____ you again some day A. to see

B. sees C. saw D. see

( )8. She often plans____ something to help others A. to do B. does C. do

D. doing页

( )9 He _____ like a pig to make us_____ A. dressed up; laugh

B. dressed up; to laugh

C. dressed on; laughed D. dressed on; laughing ( )10. Great changes happened in China ______ A. in the 1980s

B. in the 1980

C. in 1980s D. on the 1980

( )11. Mr. Li didn't come, so Mrs. Wang______ A. took him place B. took his place C. took place of him

D. became him

( )12._____ November 18, 1978, Mickey became famous

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