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Teen Art Show

Do you want to see your artwork displayed alongside other teens' artwork?Don't miss your opportunity! Showcase your paintings, sculptures, photographs and other artworks at the Environmental Educational Center.The show will provide an opportunity for artists to network, provide feedback and become a resource for others.

Activity fee:$25 Night Fishing

Escape the night and join us as we fish at Desert Breeze Park.No experience needed.We will provide the fishing poles, transportation, the bait, help you catch a fish and best of all, teens 14 years and under do not require a license to fish.

Location:Desert Breeze Park Activity fee:$22 Overnight Snow Trip

Join the City of Chandler in an exciting new trip! We will travel up to Camp Tontozona and enjoy great food and a campfire in the early evening.Snow play will be the highlight as we explore the snow-filled meadows (草地) of Woods Canyon Lake and sled down small hills in the area.You will be responsible for your own ski/snowboard equipment.

Location:Camp Tontozona Activity fee:$30 Paintballing

Come out and play paintball with all your friends! Join the City of Chandler as we go to Tempe Indoor Paintball.This is a great way to join in the fun of playing paintball for a low, low cost.All equipment is included.Please wear old clothes because clothes can get dirty easily!

Location:Tempe Paintball Activity fee:$28

语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四项活动的内容、地点、收费等情况。 1.What can people do in Desert Breeze Park? A.Meet with famous artists. B.Play with snow. C.Play paintball.

D.Go fishing.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二部分“Escape the night and join us as we fish at Desert Breeze Park.”可知人们在沙漠清风公园能钓鱼;故选D。

2.What is special about Paintballing? A.It costs the least.

B.It might make your clothes dirty. C.People can play with friends. D.People will enjoy a campfire.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四部分“Please wear old clothes because clothes can get dirty easily”可知Paintballing活动的特别之处是可能把你的衣服弄脏;故选B。

3.In which activity should people take their own ski equipment? A.Overnight Snow Trip. B.Teen Art Show. C.Paintballing. D.Night Fishing.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三部分“You will be responsible for your own ski/snowboard equipment”可知Overnight Snow Trip活动中你需要负责自己的滑雪设备;故选A。


A little girl lines up plastic letters in front of a little robot. The robot struggles to reproduce them on a tablet. The girl kindly steps in to help, writing out the word to show the robot how to do it. She puts in effort to teach the robot, without realizing that she is actually the one who is improving her writing skills. Yesterday, EPFL researchers introduced their new teaching tool at the Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) held in Portland, the USA.

The program is based on a principle called “Learning by Teaching”. When children experience difficulties in writing, they can easily lose confidence, or even gradually lose interest in the learning process. Eventually, their entire education can be affected. When students put themselves in the place of a teacher and pass on what they know to their peers, they can regain their self-confidence and interest in their studies.

Scientists developed progressive writing algorithms (算法) and used them in an existing robot model which was designed to interact with humans. With these algorithms, the machine can slowly draw words on demand, and then gradually improve. To do this, it uses many handwriting examples, which allow it to reproduce common errors made by young children while learning. It

is also possible to program the robot so that it can pay attention to the particular difficulties of a student.

The system has already been used in primary school lessons with about seventy students ranging from six to eight years old, and then individually with a six-year-old child for one hour per week over the course of one month. So far the system has been very well received.

语篇解读:本文为说明文。文章向我们介绍了一个可以用于教学的智能机器人。 4.The little girl is mentioned to ________. A.advertise an old robot B.introduce a smart girl to us C.lead to the topic of the text D.explain how girls study today

解析:选C 推理判断题。由文章内容可知,本文主要是关于一个可以用于教学的智能机器人,作者提到那个小女孩是为了引出下文。

5.What kind of role does the robot play? A.A teacher who is good at teaching. B.A student who needs to be taught. C.A student who is good at his studies. D.A teacher who knows students' mistakes.

解析:选B 推理判断题。由第二段可知,那个机器人是用来让学生教的,这说明那个机器人扮演的是一个学习不好、需要别人教的学生的角色。

6.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? A.How the robot works. B.The popularity of the robot. C.Why the robot was designed. D.The appearance of the robot.

解析:选A 段落大意题。由第三段可知,本段主要讲了这个机器人是如何运作的。 7.Those who have tried the system most probably consider it ________. A.difficult B.stupid C.childish D.helpful

解析:选D 推理判断题。由第四段“So far the system has been very well received”可知,使用过的人觉得这个系统很有用。


My kids tell me it's unfair to play with the big children; I tell them that's right. The playing

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