BEC商务英语口语900句 工作中的获得与成就

BEC商务英语口语900 句 工作中的获得与成就

第一句:I have earned a great amount ofexperience during the last job. 我从上一份工作中获得了相当多的经验。

A: Please tell me the most valuable things you’vegot during your last job. 请说一说你从上一份工作中获得的最宝贵的东西是什么。

B: I have earned a great amount of experienceduring the last job. 我从上一份工作中获得了相当多的经验。

第二句:I was awarded the title of “Employee of the Year”,

among hundreds of peoplelast year. There is only one for each year. 去年我被授予“年度最佳员工”奖,每年在几百的员工中,只有一个人可以获此殊荣。 A: Please list some of your most valued accomplishments in your career. 请列举几个在你的职业生涯中最为重要的成就。

B: I was awarded the title of “Employee of the Year” among hundreds of people. There is onlyone for each year.

去年我被授予“年度最佳员工”奖,每年在几百的员工中,只有一个人可以获此殊荣。 知识扩展:

1. 这个问题的真正意图是要探测面试者的价值取向,处于职业发展期的员工最忌急功近利,应更多地关注现职工作带来的长远利益和发展的机会:

That should be work experience. I do have gained a lot. Now I can handle problemsindependently and effectively.

那要算是工作经验了,我的确是获得了很多经验。现在我可以独立有效地解决问题了。 I appreciate the opportunities for working at oversea offices a lot. 我很珍视公司给我的出国工作机会。

I learned a lot during the vocational training seminars offered by the company. That is themost valuable thing I’ve got during my last job.


2. 个人成就因年龄、阅历的不同会有很大差异,明智的面试官懂得如何在平凡中发现不平凡:

I’ve won the grade-one scholarship three years in a row. 我连续三年获得一等奖学金。

I was in charge of sending birthday mail to employees during the internship. To my surprise,some people wrote back to me and regarded mine as the warmest official birthday mail with truefeelings.

实习期间我负责给公司员工发送生日邮件。让我意想不到的是,一些人给我回信,说我的邮件充满真情,是公司发给他们的最温暖的生日邮件。 in a row连续 internship n.实习期

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