题 目: 基于GSM模块的温湿度监控报警系统
学 生: XX 学号: XXXX 学 院:XX学院 专业: XX 入学时间: 2012 年 9 月 1 日 指导教师: XX 职称: XX 完成日期: 2016 年 5 月 4 日
诚 信 承 诺
我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《基于GSM模块的温湿度监控报警系统 》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。
2016年 月 日
第1章 绪论 ....................................................... 5
1.1前言 ....................................................... 5 1.2发展现状 ................................................... 5 1.3 系统概述................................................... 5
1.4 设计的意义与可行性 ......................................... 5 第2章 系统的整体设计 ............................................. 5
2.1 方案的论证与比较 ........................................... 5 2.2 系统总体设计要求 ........................................... 6 第3章 系统硬件的设计 ............................................. 6
3.1 主控模块................................................... 6 3.2 DHT11传感器模块设计 ...................................... 7
3.2.1 DHT11传感器简介 ..................................... 7 3.2.2 DHT11传感器模块电路设计 ............................. 8 3.2 GSM模块 ................................................... 8 3.3 串口模块................................................... 9 3.4 键盘模块.................................................. 10 3.5 LCD1602显示模块 .......................................... 11
3.5.1 1602液晶显示屏简介 .................................. 11 3.5.2 1602液晶显示模块 ................................... 12 3.6指示灯模块设计 ............................................ 12 第4章 系统软件的设计 ............................................ 13 第5章 系统调试与测验结果分析 .................................... 14
5.1 仿真调试.................................................. 14 5.2 硬件调试.................................................. 15
5.2.1 GSM模块的调试 ....................................... 15 5.2.2 DHT11模块的测试 ..................................... 18
第6章 结论 ...................................................... 19 第7章 总结与体会 ................................................ 19 致谢 ............................................................. 20 参考文献 ......................................................... 20
(1)中文专注 ................................................. 20 (2)中文学术论文 ............................................. 21 (3)互联网文献 ............................................... 21
摘要:本设计是基于全球应用广泛的全球移动通讯系统即GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)而设计的家居温湿度监控报警系统。系统主要有STC89C52主控芯片最小系统模块、DHT11温湿度传感器模块、GSM模块、串口模块、键盘模块和LCD1602显示模块等构成。该系统由DHT11温湿度传感器模块监测室内温度和湿度,产生的数字信号,
关键词: 家居温湿度监控报警系统、STC89C52主控芯片最小系统模块、DHT11温湿度传感器模块、GSM模块、串口模块、键盘模块和LCD1602显示模块
Temperature and humidity monitoring alarm system based on GSM module
Abstract:This design is the global system for mobile communication global wide application based on the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and Home Furnishing temperature and humidity monitoring alarm system design. The system consists of STC89C52 main control chip minimum system module, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module, GSM module, serial port module, keyboard module and LCD1602 display module. The system consists of DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module to monitor the indoor temperature and humidity, the digital signal, directly to the STC89C52 main control chip minimum system module, judgment, let STC89C52 main control chip to control the display module to display the current temperature and humidity. If not in certain range of temperature and humidity, the indoor is sent to the user through the GSM module temperature and humidity, and that is not qualified, and then wait for the user processing. Through such a model, the user's home temperature and humidity monitoring, alarm, and thus in the protection of personal and property safety of users of the people.
In the design of the system introduces the overview and development of GSM module, the significance and the feasibility of system design, and the overall design of the system, and combined with the design of hardware and software of the whole system, are introduced in detail.
Keywords: home temperature and humidity monitoring alarm system, STC89C52 main control chip minimum system module, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module, GSM module,serial port module, keyboard module and LCD1602 display module.