2007-----2008年第二学期计算机英语 期末考试练习卷


计算机英语 期末考试练习卷

使用班级:联大05161 考试时间:100分钟

姓名 班级 学号


一、 写出下列专业词汇的中文形式 (2’*10) upload freeware

PC Desk-sized computer DOS prompt Input device BIOS Control panel Terminal

Default value Operating System ESC SQL Directory Password Modem dial ASP script Request response Session application Language connection class类 average object property 二、 写出下列专业词汇的英文形式(2’*10) 文件夹 显示器 硬盘 下载 程序 代码 显卡 声卡

管理员 计算机语言 写盘 读盘 病毒 传真 主机 主板 虚拟内存 命令 数据库 备份 选择 删除 调试 运行

局域网 计算机辅助设计 端口 在线 序列号 服务器


许可证 出错信息 方法 扩展内存 调制解调器 因特网服务提供商 风扇 微软 图形用户界面 移动用户 卸载 光驱 路径 桌面 账号 协议 上传 液晶显示器 method mobile user ISP CD-ROM agreement modem GUI Microsoft upload LCD fan error message uninstall license path account desktop extended memory

五、判断 (2’*10)

1Folder in the Windows responses with directory in the DOS.

2The central processing unit is the heart of a computer. 3ROM can be written. 4RAM can be written and read.

5Click with right button is to open a shortcut menu. 6Assemble Language is a high level language.

7More than two symbols are used in the machine language. 8Software is independent of hardware.

9An operating system is the highest layer of software on a computer. 10CPU is a combination of arithmetic unit and control unit. 11Scanner is one kind of input device.

12The function of input device is to accept data .

13Office Automation can greatly in prove our working efficiently. 14SQL server is one kind of database system.

15Multimedia is made from a mix of hardware and software ,machine and people. 16Multimedia isn’t any one thing ,but is a complex entity.

17Computer can solve big problems by following a series of simple steps. 18Computer data can be transmitted through a telephone line.

19Windows is different from DOS mainly because of its pictures and graphics.

第 1 页 共 2 页 练习卷

六、用SQL语句写出下列命令 (12’) 成绩 学号 姓名 语文 数学 班级 档案 学号 姓名 性别 年龄 1查询成绩表中数学大于80分的所有记录







8在成绩表中,查询“张三” 、“李四” 、“王五” 、“周六” 、“李七”的语文、数学成绩

七Translate the following Screen English. (2’*9) Turn off any attached device.

Read the following license agreement first.

Exit all the other applications before continuing with this installation.

Restart your computer to finish Setup.

Hard disk install failure.

Invalid boot diskette.

Press ESC to skip memory test.

Bad command or file name.

Not enough memory.

The line is busy , try again later.

In fact , multimedia is just two media :sound and moving pictures.

The CD serves as multimedia ’s main storage and exchange medium.

Standard CMOS Features

Auto detection

advanced CMOS Features

boot device

set supervisor password

Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive

Set active Partition

Delete Partition or Logical DOS Drive

Create(delete) primary DOS Partition

Create(delete) extended DOS Partition

Create(delete) logical DOS drive(s) in the extended dos Partition

第 2 页 共 2 页 练习卷

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