2018届高考英语二轮专题复习突破检测:专题三 完形填空模拟检测(二) 记叙文(二)


完形填空模拟检测(二) 记叙文(二)



(2017·富阳模拟)Payeng's tree-planting project began when he was 16, when flooding wiped away a large part of forest. Wild life were left without enough __1__, and Payeng watched __2__ creatures begin to die off from heat. Deeply __3__, Payeng determined to grow trees all his life.

“I __4__ the forest department and asked them if they could grow trees on the sandbar (沙洲). They said nothing would __5__ there. __6__, they asked me to try growing bamboo. It was __7__, but I did it. What's more, there was nobody interested to help me,” Payeng said.

Payeng started his forest by __8__ bamboo saplings (幼树) every morning and evening. He even brought red ants to the sandbar to help __9__ the soil. When his bamboo trees grew, Payeng decided to slowly __10__ other spieces of trees into the sandbar.

Through his __11__ act, Payeng changed the sandbar into a thick, green forest that __12__ numerous birds, and wild animals. Payeng's forest went largely __13__ until 2008, when a team of state officials __14__ it.

“We were surprised to find such a big __15__ on the sandbar,” Gunin Saikia, Assam's Assistant Conservator of Forests, said. “We are __16__ at Payeng. He has been at it for 30 years.”

Now, Payeng makes a __17__ with his family in the forest he planted by raising cows and selling milk, and he has his __18__ set on planting a second forest on another 1,300-acre sandbar.

“It may take another 30 years, but I am __19__ about it,” Payeng said __20__. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了环保人士Payeng坚持种树30年,在沙洲里创造了一片令人惊叹的森林。

1.A.food C.shade

B.water D.space

解析:选C 结合上文可知,洪水冲走了一大部分森林。由下文“...creatures begin to die off from heat”可推知,野生生物没有足够的树荫。故选C。

2.A.dangerous C.aimless

B.helpless D.fierce

解析:选B 联系上下文可知,野生生物因为没有足够的树荫而死于炎热,所以此时它们应该感到很无助。A项意为“危险的”;B项意为“无助的”;C项意为“没有目标的”;D项意为




3.A.moved C.attracted

B.hurt D.saddened

解析:选D 根据上文可知,森林遭到破坏,野生生物因为没有足够的树荫而感到无助。Payeng应该对此感到悲伤。D项意为“使悲伤,使难过”,符合题意。故选D。

4.A.informed C.disturbed

B.blamed D.contacted

解析:选D 根据语境可知,Payeng应该是联系林业部门,反映情况。A项意为“通知”;B项意为“责备”;C项意为“打扰”;D项意为“联系”。故选D。

5.A.grow C.occur

B.live D.work

解析:选A 根据语境可知,林业部门认为没有什么可以在沙洲中生长。A项意为“生长”,符合题意。故选A。

6.A.Therefore C.Otherwise

B.Instead D.Fortunately

解析:选B 根据上文可知,林业部门认为树木无法在沙洲中生长。他们反而建议Payeng种植竹子。A项意为“因此”;B项意为“反而,却”;C项意为“否则”;D项意为“幸运地”。故选B。

7.A.pleasant C.meaningful

B.hopeful D.painful

解析:选D 根据语境可知,Payeng是环保人士,由此可推知,当他听到无法通过种树来改变沙洲环境时,他的感觉应该是痛苦的。D项意为“痛苦的”,符合题意。故选D。

8.A.watering C.counting

B.cutting D.observing

解析:选A 根据常识及语境可知,Payeng通过每天早晚为竹子幼苗浇水开始创造森林。A项意为“浇水”;B项意为“切下”;C项意为“计算”;D项意为“观察”。故选A。

9.A.change C.add

B.destroy D.improve

解析:选D 根据上文Payeng将红蚁带到沙洲中可知,他希望就此改良土壤。D项意为“改善,提高”,符合题意。故选D。

10.A.throw C.put

B.introduce D.send

解析:选B 根据语境可知,竹子开始生长之后,Payeng决定引入一些其他的树种。introduce ...into为固定用法,意为“将……引进,加入”。故选B。



11.A.unique C.strange

B.ridiculous D.stubborn

解析:选A 根据上文可知,Payeng通过种植竹子来创造森林,因此他的方法是独特的。A项意为“独特的,唯一的”;B项意为“荒谬的”;C项意为“奇怪的”;D项意为“固执的”。故选A。

12.A.bears C.shelters

B.includes D.hides

解析:选C 根据下文中“numerous birds, and wild animals”可知,绿色的森林可以为小鸟和野生动物提供遮蔽处。A项意为“忍受”;B项意为“包括”;C项意为“给……提供遮蔽”;D项意为“隐藏”。故选C。

13.A.unaccepted C.discovered

B.unnoticed D.disapproved

解析:选B 根据上下文可知,Payeng的森林直到2008年才被注意到。not ... until为固定短语,意为“直到……才”。A项意为“不被接受的”;B项意为“未被注意的”;C项意为“发现”;D项意为“不支持”。故选B。

14.A.studied C.came from

B.researched D.came across

解析:选D 根据语境可知,Payeng的森林一直未被注意到,直到一些官员偶然发现它。come across意为“(偶然)遇见;碰见”,符合语境。故选D。

15.A.forest C.bamboo

B.hero D.tree

解析:选A 根据语境可知,官员惊讶地发现沙洲里居然有这么一大片森林。故选A。 16.A.proud C.amazed

B.disappointed D.mad

解析:选C 根据上文中的“surprised”可知,官员不只是对沙洲里的森林感到惊讶,对它的创造人也感到惊讶。be amazed at为固定短语,意为“对……感到惊讶”,符合语境。故选C。

17.A.living C.wonder

B.difference D.plan

解析:选A 根据下文“by raising cows and selling milk”(靠养牛和卖牛奶)可知,Payeng和他的家人靠在森林里养牛和卖牛奶谋生。make a living为固定短语,意为“谋生”,符合题意。故选A。

18.A.company C.limits

B.home D.goals

解析:选D 根据下文“planting a second forest on another 1,300 — acre sandbar”


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