



院 系 计算机科学与技术系 专 业 计算机软件 姓 名

指导教师 职 称



摘 要



关键词:住院病人信息管理系统 JSP SQL Server 2008 B/S模式



Nowadays, the rapid development of Internet technology, information management technology is widely used in various industries. Within the field of medicine, with the acceleration of the process of hospital information, the use of computer technology in patient information management is essential. The design uses JSP language as a tool and aims at improving the efficiency and quality of the entire hospital.

The system consists of four parts, administrator module, the module of doctors, the module of nurses and cafeteria manager module, the four modules coordinated together to achieve the following functions: patient admission and discharge management, hospitalization expenses management, medical advice management, and patient inquiries user management and system maintenance functions. The system is based on B/S mode, the user can use the system through a browser. This paper describes the development of the meaning and use of the system to develop tools and techniques, and requirements analysis andsystem design and testing, the paper's final conclusion, Acknowledgements and references, and appendix code several important modules.

Key words:IMIS JSP SQL Server 2008 B/S mode

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