
Dear Sir,

I’m a college (大学) student. I’m 20 years old...

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Yours, Tim Woods

B) 阅读下面一段叙述,针对其中提出的问题写出你的看法。(作文写在答题纸上)

James is your friend. He is not a very good student. He is not interested in school. Now he has an opportunity (机会) to get a full-time job, and his family needs money.

James wants to drop out of school (辍学) and go to work. He says he can learn more if

he stops going to school. But James is not very sure and he comes to learn about your ideas about leaving school.

要求:1. 叙述有条理,符合逻辑; 2. 用词得当,语法正确; 3. 书写清晰,规范; 4. 词数: 80—100。

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