2017届高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 专题增分练 课时25 定语从句(一)

课时25 定语从句(一)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)画掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Hi Thomas,

How is everything with you recently? I'm very exciting because I have applied for a holiday job, taught English conversation in a teacher training college near Shanghai. I'm a bit of worried because I don't know if I should bring some present for the teachers I'll meet. Should I shake hands when I meet people, or just smiling? What topics will my students want to talk then? Might I say or do something that will seem rudely? This may seem unimportant with you, but I want to plan everything in advance, or I'd love to know what you think. You had been to China before.

Looking forward to your reply.

All the best,



Hi Thomas,


How is everything with you recently? I'm very because I have applied excited


for a holiday job, English conversation in a teacher training college near



Shanghai. I'm a bit of﹨ worried because I don't know if I should bring some


for the teachers I'll meet. Should I shake hands when I meet people, or just ?


What topics will my students want to talk about then? Might I say or do something


that will seem ? This may seem unimportant you, but I want to plan rudeto/for


everything in advance, I'd love to know what you think. You been to China



Looking forward to your reply.

All the best,




1.自我介绍(年龄、性别等); 2.英语水平(口语表达能力等);

3.特殊优势(相关经历、对当地旅游景点的了解、沟通能力等); 4.你的承诺。


2.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Sir/Madam,

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



I'm very glad to know that China International Tourism Festival will be held in our city next month. I'd like to be an English tour guide for the festival.

My name is Li Hua. I'm a boy of 18, a Senior 3 student in a high school. I believe I can do a good job for the festival. First of all, I'm good at English and I can speak English fluently. Secondly, I'm fond of traveling and I've worked as an English tour guide at several great festivals in our city before. Most importantly, I know our local tourist spots quite well and I'm good at communicating and cooperating with others.

I promise I'll try to offer my best services to the travelers from all over the world. I would be very happy if I could be chosen as a tour guide.






1.nickname n. 绰号,外号 v. 给……起绰号 2.participant n. 参与者,参加者 3.confirm v. 批准(职位、协议等),确认,认可 4.define v. 界定,阐明 5.priority n. 优先事项,首要事情 6.adventuresome adj. 有冒险精神的 7.desert v. 抛弃,遗弃 8.reputed adj. 号称,普遍认为 9.stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的 10.excessive adj. 过度的,过分的 11.inner adj. 内心的,隐藏的 12.column n. (书、报纸印刷页上的)栏 13.maximize v. 使增加到最大限度

14.restriction n. 限制,约束 15.impose v. 推行,采用,强制使用 16.hammock n. 吊床 17.suspend v. 悬,挂,吊 18.available adj. 可获得的,可利用的 19.collaborate v. 合作 20.grip v. 紧握,抓紧 [短语整理]

1.wrestle with 努力处理,全力解决 2.sb. be diagnosed with sth. 某人被诊断出患有…… 3.at the expense of 在牺牲(或损害)……的情况下 4.in addition to 除……以外(还) 5.put an end to 结束 6.arrange for 安排 [难句分析]

1.They were shipwrecked on a small coral reef, and for more than a month they drifted in a small boat before they finally reached Guam.


并列分句1:They were shipwrecked on a small coral reef 并列分句2:for more than a month they drifted in a small boat before they finally reached Guam ↓


[翻译] 他们的船因触到一块小珊瑚礁而失事,他们在一只小船上漂流了一个多月才最终到达关岛。

2.My observations were borne out by 2011 figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that showed binge drinking—consuming four or more drinks on an occasion—was common among women in the United States:one in eight women regularly binge-drinks.

[分析] My observations were borne out by 2011 figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that


showed binge drinking—consuming four or more drinks on an ↓

showed后是省略了that的宾语从句,其中consuming four or more...为动名词短语,作binge drinking的同位语

occasion—was common among women in the United States: one in eight women regularly binge-drinks.

[翻译] 我的观察出自疾病控制与预防中心2011年的数字,这些数字表明:酗酒——一次喝四杯或四杯以上的酒在美国女性中是常见的事。八分之一的女性经常酗酒。

3.Whether iPods will affect a student's performance or not is dependent on how the student uses them.


Whether iPods will affect a student's performance or ↓


not is_dependent_on how the student uses them ↓ ↓

谓语部分 how引导宾语从句,作介词on的宾语

[翻译] iPods是否会影响一个学生的成绩取决于这个学生怎么使用它们。

4.No one knows for sure who invented the hammock, but some historians believe they were created for sleeping by the early native settlers of Mexico.

[分析] No one knows for sure who... but...(but连接并列复合句) 并列分句1:

No one knows for sure who invented the hammock ↓

who引导宾语从句 并列分句2:

some historians believe they_were_created_for_sleeping ↓

此处是省略了that的宾语从句,作believe的宾语 by the early native settlers of Mexico [翻译] 没有人确切地知道是谁发明了吊床,但是一些历史学家认为它们是早期的墨西哥定居者为睡觉而设计的。

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