牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit1 中考真题汇编

Unit1 中考真题汇编


1. (2015 湖北省荆州市) —John is so excited. Did he win the competition? —Yes. He was lucky and he had _____ one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less. A. especially

B. probably

C. exactly

D. hardly

2. (2015 襄阳市) —Did you catch the first subway this morning? —No, I didn’t. It had started moving __________ I could get on it. A. before

B. since

C. after

D. as soon as

3. (2015 广州市) Miss Brown, we ______ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now? A. finish

B. finishing

C. are finished

D. have finished

4. (2015山东省德州市) —Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening? —____. A. Yes, it’s true.

B. You really do.

C. It’s upstairs.

D. Yes, I’d love to.

5. (2014天津中考)Cambridge is a small city ____ the east of England. A. between

B. with

C. in

D. under

6. (2014扬州中考) —Do you know the latest information about Flight MH370? —I’ve no idea. Let’s ____ the TV to watch the news programme. A. turn on

B. turn down

C. turn up

D. turn off

7. (2014烟台中考)—How long may I ____ your dictionary? —For one week. But it mustn’t ____ to others. A. keep, be lent

B. borrow, lend

C. lend, be borrowed

D. have, borrow


1. C 句意:——约翰是如此激动,他赢得了比赛吗?——是的,他是幸运的,正好在最后的时刻完成了这份特殊的工作,时间不多也不少。A. especially尤其,特殊;B. probably可能,C. exactly恰好地,精确的;D. hardly几乎不。根据句意,故选C。

2. A 句意:——今天早上你赶上第一列地铁了吗?——不,我没有。在我上车之前它就开始移动了。before在……之前;since自从;after在……之后;as soon as一……就……。根据句意可知,说话人没有赶上地铁,因此这里是在上车之前,地铁就开动了。故选A。

3. D 句意:布朗夫人,我们已经打扫完了教室,我们现在可以回家了吗?finish完成;finishing现在分词形式;are finished被完成,被动语态形式;have finished现在完成时,已经完成。根据句意可知,我们已经打扫完了,强调动作已经完成。故应选D。

4. D 句意:——明天晚上你愿意来吃晚饭吗?——是的,我 愿意去。Yes, it’s true.是的,是真的;You really do.你真的做了;It’s upstairs.在楼上;Yes, I’d love to.是的,我愿意去。这里考查的would like的回答,根据句意可知选D。

5. C 考查介词的用法。句意为“剑桥是英格兰东部的一个小城市”。根据句意,Cambridge在England内部,应用介词in。

6. A 考查动词短语辨析。turn on打开;turn down调小;turn up调大;turn off关掉。句意为“你知道有关马航370的最新消息吗?”“我不知道。我们打开电视看新闻节目吧”。

7. A 考查延续性动词的用法及动词的被动语态。句意为“我可以借这本词典多长时间?”“一周。但是,它不许被借给其他人”。How long意为“多久,多长时间”,不能与非延续性动词连用,borrow和lend为非延续性动词,故排除B和C;根据句意可知,第二空应用被动语态,故选A。

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