新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 5


We all want to be healthy, to be at our best when handling tough challenges. There has never been a lack of good advice on health. For example, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and set aside some time every week for exercise. Chronobiology, a new science, has provided us with a new approach to achieving peak efficiency. It is to coordinate our daily activities with our biological capacities. We plot on graph paper six readings of our temperature taken at fourhour intervals throughout a day, and familiarize ourselves with such information as when our body temperature begins to rise, when it reaches its peak/the highest point, and when the bottom/the lowest point appears. Then, we plan our daily activities by following the instructions given by chronobiology authorities. For instance, we tackle the most demanding physical work when our temperature is the highest. By contrast, we pursue mental activities like reading and reflection when our temperature is falling. In this way, what we actually do coincides with our body’s natural rhythms and we achieve our best as predicted.

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