新人教版八年级上册英语Unit 9单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案)

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Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday teachers Saturday Sunday 十一、书面表达(10分)




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Kids Christmas Party and ____________(85) Get up late and prepare for the new week Sing ________________(82) Rotary Meeting and the party for ________________(83) Study for the test about Canada with Rick Go to school and give ____________(84) to friends and Unit 9达标测试卷

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分


一、1.Today is my birthday.

2.Simon, would you like to come to my party?

3.Tom, I'm going to the movies with some friends this Sunday. 4.What color are they?

5.Sorry, I have to study for an English test.

二、6.W:Are you free this afternoon? I want to do some shopping.Could you go with me?

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M:Sorry,I have a lot of things to do.

Q:What's the woman going to do this afternoon? 7.W:Shall we go skiing together,Lin Tao? M:Sorry,Lucy.I'll play football with Tom. Q:What's Lin Tao going to do?

8.W:Were the children playing football this time yesterday?

M:No,they were invited to the swimming pool and had a good time there. Q:What were the children doing this time yesterday? 9.W:Would you like to play tennis with us,Tom? M:I'd love to,but I have to clean my room first. Q:What does Tom have to do first?

10.M:Can you go camping with us,Mary? W:I'm afraid not.I have some homework to do. Q:What's Mary going to do?

三、W1:Hey,Mary!Can you go to the movies with me this Saturday?

W2:I'm sorry,Helen.I have too much homework to do this weekend.And I'm not feeling well


W1:That's too bad.What's the matter?

W2:I'm not sure.Maybe I have the flu,because I have a headache and cough(咳嗽). W1:I think you should go to see a doctor.

W2:I think so.I won't go to see a doctor until I finish my homework. W1:Well,maybe another time. W2:Sure.Thanks for asking me. 四、W:Hi, Marie,

Thank you for inviting me to visit your home on Tuesday.I'm sorry, but I can't go.I have to have piano lessons in the morning.In the afternoon I'm going to play soccer with the school team.I'm going to the concert with my family in the evening.If you are free, can you come to the concert with us?



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一、1-5:BCABC 二、6-10:BCACA 三、11-15:BBCCB 四、16.inviting 17.Tuesday 18.piano 19.concert 20.free

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分


22.D 点评:词义辨析法。句意:妈妈总是告诉我不努力学习什么都学不到。with“具



24.D 点评:考查动词的用法辨析。suffer“受苦,受难”;earn“赢得,挣得”;receive“收


25.C 26.D

27.A 点评:句意:——对不起,我不得不照顾我的弟弟。——太糟糕了,也许其他



29.A 点评:交际法。由答语中“I don't like music.”可知,问句询问的是“你打算去听


30.B 31.D 32.B 33.D

34.A 点评:问句句意:请问我能看看你的照片吗?A项意为“好的,给你”;B项意

为“不用客气”;C项意为“我不同意你的看法”;D项意为“听到这事我很难过”,结合句意可知选A。 35.A

六、36.A 点评:由文章最后一句可知,Lucy邀请Linda去野营。 37.C 38.D 39.D 点评:固定句式There is something wrong with...意为“……有问题”。

40.B 点评:因为下文说到“我看不清离我远一点的人和东西”,所以是眼睛出问题了。 41.A

42.B 点评:她认为自己的眼睛出问题了,或许要戴眼镜了。 43.D

44.B 点评:由下文的“My favorite star Jay Chou will come.I like his music very much.”


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七、A 46.C 点评:根据第二段“Party:6:30 pm”可知答案。

47.C 点评:逻辑推理法。根据第三段的描述可知客人玩得太高兴了,所以很晚还没


48.D 49.B

50.C 点评:客人们离开是因为警察的到来,文中并没有提到客人们离开时的感受。 B 51~55:T F F F T

C 56.B 点评:直接信息题。由文章第一段的第二句She received a letter from her uncle.


57.A 58.B 59.D

60.D 点评:推理判断题。因为她叔叔只给了她6只小鸡,而她却抓住了11只,说


D 61.A 62.C

63.B 点评:句意理解题。从THE REPLY中的“Thank you very much for your invitation.I

have a lot of work to do this weekend but I'd love to come to your party.”可知,Harry对Ben的邀请表示了感谢,虽然他有许多工作要做,但还是要去参加聚会的。


65.B 点评:由THE THANKYOU LETTER中的“I hope you like the present.”可知,Harry


八、(一) 66.without 67.concert 68.surprised 69.preparing 70.hang (二) 71.hearing 72.can't

73.invitation 74.to have 75.to go 九、76~80:C F E G A

十、81.Dad's 82.Christmas carols

83.Girl Guides 84.Christmas presents 85.City Party 十一、范文: Hi Betty,

Thank you very much you’re your

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invitation. .I'm__sorry__that__I__can't__go__to__your__birthday__party.My mother is ill.She has a bad headache and the doctor asks__her__to__stay__in__bed for a few days.I have__to stay at home and look after her.

I'm really sorry.I will visit you after my mother feels better. Here I'll say “Happy ④


birthday!” to you.


①I'm sorry that I can't go to your birthday party.是委婉拒绝邀请的表达。 ②ask sb.to do sth.“让某人做某事”。 ③have to“不得不”。


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Yours, Tom

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