
they know, or do some research on theInternet. Then follow up by calling or writing to the groups directly.

Oh, here are two moresuggestions for you.

Don\\'t be angry if youdon\\'t get the job you want right away. Your first volunteer job may be lessthan perfect but it can still be a good learning experience.

Don\\'t try to do morework than you can. If you can\\'t manage the work you volunteer to do, it can bedifficult for your group and make you feel uncomfortable.

If you want to getmore information about Young Volunteers, you can visit our website:www.youngvolunteers.com. Thank you for listening! Good luck!


W: May I help you, sir?

M: I\\'d like to apply for a driver\\'s license.

W: Fine. Can you help fill in thisform, please?

M: Certainly.

W: What\\'s your name?

M: Jack Anderson.

W: Could you spell it please?

M: Certainly, J-A-C-K, Jack, A - N - D - E - R - S - O – N, Anderson.

W: OK. Now, what\\'s your address?

M: It\\'s 2926 NW 2nd Ave.

W: And what\\'s your telephone number?

M: 8762543.

W: Right. 8762543. Are you anAmerican citizen? M: Good question. Yes, I am.

W: ... and what\\'s your date ofbirth? M: I was born on July 25th , 1990. W: OK. Do you have anything else tosay?

M: Well, my left leg sometimes hurts, but I\\'m not disabled. W: OK. Do you wear glasses? M: Yes, I need glasses to drive.

W: Fine. Here you go, your form isfilled out. M: Thanks for your help. W:You are welcome.

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