
四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 1

1. the, office, where’s, teachers’ (?) 2. on, floor, the, second, it’s (.)

3. the, is, office, this, teachers’ (?) 4. library, office, the, the, teachers’, to, next, is (.) 5. homework, my, here’s (.) 6. to, school, our, welcome (!) 7. is, classroom, this, my (.)

8. are, class, how, your, students, there, many, in ( ?) 9. that, room, is, the, computer (?) 10. have, library, you, a, do (?)

四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 2

1. over, is, school (!)

2. go, playground, to, let’s, the (.) 3. it, time, now, what, is (?) 4. five, it’s, o’clock (.)

5. for, it’s, dinner, time (.) 6. kids, go, time, home, to (.)

7. time, class, it’s, English, for (.) 8. school, time, go, to, it’s, to (.) 9. up, it’s, to, time, get (.) 10. ready, breakfast, is (.)

四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 3

1. go, now, can, outside, I (?) 2. I, some, can, soup, have (?)

3. is, report, this, weather, the (.) 4. Beijing, it’s, in, today, warm (.) 5. the, like, York, what’s, New, weather, in (?) 6. Beijing, about, how (?) 7. it, cold, is (?)

8. 26, it’s, degrees (.)

9. the, weather, here’s, world (.)

10. hot, Sydney, it’s, and, sunny, in (.)

四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 4

1. carrots, these, are (?) 2. so, they, big, are (!) 3. those, are, what (?) 4. are, tomatoes, they (.) 5. yellow, but, are, they (.) 6. at, beans, look, green, the (.)

7. lot, have, you, of, animals, a (!) 8. horses, many, have, do, how, you (?) 9. about, those, what (?) 10. sheep, are, those (.)

四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 5

1. these, yours, are (?)

2. are, Jie’s, they, Chen (.) 3. about, hat, what, this (?) 4. John’s, is, this (?) 5. me, please, you, help, can (?) 6. is, coat, this, whose (?) 7. those, whose, are, pants (?) 8. your, are, father’s, they (.) 9. new, where, my, socks, are (?) 10. colour, they, are, what (?)

四年级(下)连词成句专项训练 Unit 6

1. I, you, help, can (?)

2. nice, are, shoes, these (.) 3. try, on, I, them, can (?) 4. OK, they, are (?) 5. too, are, small, they (.) 6. try, 7, let’s, size (.) 7. just, are, right, they (.)

8. like, skirt, do, this, how, you (?) 9. much, this, how, skirt, is (?) 10. is, pretty, very, it (.)

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