


1、This is Lily’s new

2、Look! Our

is big.

3、Turn on the

, please.


is near the door.

5、My desk is under the


二、 单项选择。

( )1. My brother and I _________ a new computer. A. has B. have C. are ( )2. --________ is in the classroom ?

-- One blackboard , four fans , many desks and chairs.

A. Where B. What C. Who

( )3. Let ________ clean the door.

A. I B. my C. me ( )4. – Where is your desk ? -- __________ .

A. It’s near the teacher’s desk B. It’s my desk

C. My desk is orange


( )5. They have six new _______ .

A. light B. lights C. fan

三、 从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答语。

A B ( )1. Where is it ? A. OK.

( )2. What’s in the classroom ? B. It’s a panda. ( )3. Let’s clean the classroom. C. It’s on the floor.

( )4. What’s this ? D. Many desks and charis. ( )5. Let me help you. E. Thank you.

四、 给下列图片选择相应的句子。

A.Turn on the light. B. Sweep the floor C. Open the door D. Clean the blackboard E. Put up the picture F. Clean the window 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


五、 看图完成短文。

Hello ! Welcome to my _____________ . In it , you can see two _________

, four __________ , twenty__________

and __________ ,two ________ and four _______.


The ________ is brown. It’s big and nice. I like it very much.

六、 阅读理解。

Wu Yifan: Good morning ! Let me clean the classroom. Students: Good idea!

Mike: Let’s clean the desks and charis. Zhang Peng: OK.

Amy: Let me clean the windows.

Chen Jie: Let me clean the blackboard. Jhon: Let me sweep the floor.

Sarah: Look at the picture. Let me put up the picture. Zhang Peng: It’ss nice!

Students: Good morning , Miss White! Miss White:It’s nice and clean. Good job!

(A) 阅读对话,完成下列句子。

1. ____________ clean the blackboard.

2. ____________ and ____________ clean the desks and charis. 3. ____________ put up the picture. 4. ____________ sweep the floor. 5. ____________ clean the windows. (B) 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Wu Yifan clean the blackboard.

( )2. The students don’t like to clean the classroom. ( )3. The picture is nice.

( )4. Miss White praises (表扬) them. ( )5. It’s in the morning.


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