必修1 Unit 5单元提升练习

第一部分 必修1 Unit 5



An old woman was sitting outside an ice-cream shop with dirty clothes and rough hair.She__1__and walked, but it seemed quite__2__, her legs shivering(颤抖) and her eyes showing deep sorrow of being left alone and homeless.

I didn't__3__an ice cream, so I was outside the shop, __4__her, while my family went in.Her legs were weak.I saw her difficulties and came up to her with 10 dollars in my__5__and handed it over to her.She was so__6__and started blessing me instantly. I wanted to talk with her as that seemed very important__7__.I asked her about her__8__.She said there was no one, and that all died one by one, with tears in her eyes.

“Where does she live?”I__9__.The response was quite__10__.I noticed her “luggage”, two plastic bags, containing her__11__.At this point, I gave her my__12__, thin stole(女用披肩).It was bright yellow and looked new.

But she was not ready to accept__13__.She was worried about my feeling cold for few minutes before I got home.She finally__14__the stole and covered herself, when I insisted.She was__15__me even more.I checked my bag and kept giving anything that I thought she could use.How grateful she was! At this moment, I saw change in her__16__state of mind.By this time, she seemed calm and__17__.And so did I. The look of__18__and hopelessness was transformed.She looked at the people who passed by us with more__19__in that moment. I realized it was my small kind act__20__had counted a lot to the old woman. ( )1.A.got out C.got off

( )2.A.funny C.difficult

( )3.A.want C.serve

( )4.A.finding C.ignoring

( )5.A.pocket C.hand

( )6.A.angry C.strange

( )7.A.as well

B.got over D.got up B.interesting D.attractive B.touch D.taste B.leading D.watching B.bag D.luggage B.thankful D.cautious B.in all

C.so well

( )8.A.friend C.career

( )9.A.replied C.claimed

( )10.A.different C.obvious

( )11.A.belongings C.clothes

( )12.A.smooth C.special

( )13.A.one C.those

( )14.A.brought C.took

( )15.A.calming C.blessing

( )16.A.emotional C.conventional

( )17.A.convenient C.appropriate

( )18.A.desperation C.confusion

( )19.A.doubt C.regret

( )20.A.since C.when

D.at all B.habit D.family B.wondered D.stated B.serious D.weak B.goods D.books B.warm D.rough B.them D.it B.received D.carried B.supporting D.helping B.common D.unique B.content D.available B.expression D.devotion B.trust D.confidence B.which D.that


1.D。根据下文“walked”和“her legs shivering”可知,她想站起来行走。got out离开,出去;got over克服;got off (从……) 下来,出发; got up起立,起床。

2.C。根据下文“her legs shivering(颤抖)”可知,她走起路来很困难。

3.A。根据下文“so I was outside the shop”可知,作者不想要冰淇淋,所以待在商店外面。


5.B。根据下文“I checked my bag”,可知答案为B。


7.A。句意:我想要和她说说话,因为那也非常重要。as well也;in all总共,合计;so well很好;at all根本,简直。

8.D。根据下文“She said there was no one, and that all died one by one,”可知,我问的是关于她的家人。

9.B。根据前面的内容“Where does she live?”可知,作者想知道她住在哪里。 10.C。根据下文作者看到她带着的行李,可知她无家可归,答案是很明显的。 11.A。句意:我注意到她的“行李”,用两个塑料袋装着她的东西。

12.B。根据下文“She was worried about my feeling cold for few minutes before I got home.”可推断,答案为B。

13.D。句意:但是她并不想接受它,因为她担心我到家之前的几分钟会感觉冷。这里用it指导上文提过的“thin stole(女用披肩)”。故选D。

14.C。句意:当我坚持要给她时,她接受了披肩披在她身上。 15.C。因为“我”给了她披肩,所以她再次地祝福“我”。故选C。



18.A。本句表示老太太绝望的表情转变了。desperation和hopelessness 词义非常相近。 19.B。作者的善举让她更加信任陌生人,让她的情感发生转变,所以这时她信任地看着经过她们身边的人。故选B。




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