
5A M1U1 练习(一) 班级________姓名_________家长签名_________


one ___________ five _____________ eight ___________ thirty ___________ two ___________ nine ____________ twelve __________ three ___________

twenty ___________________ twenty- nine __________________ thirty- one __________________ forty – two ____________________ 二、在下列各组单词中找出一个画线部分与其他单词发音不同的词 ( ) 1. A. work B. word C. doctor ( ) 2. A. orange B. come C. often ( ) 3. A. thing B. smooth C. thin ( ) 4. A. wear B. pear C. hear 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. January comes (one). 2. There are (31) days in August. 3. Today is my (12) birthday.

4. There are (4) floors in our classroom building. We live on the (3) floor.

5. Look at your hands. They are dirty. Please wash them (one). 6. The (11) of a year is November. 四、给下列句子配对,把右边的编号填入左边的括号里

( ) 1.When’s your birthday? A.Twelve. ( ) 2.What’s the date today? B.Friday.

( ) 3.What day is it today? C.On August 2nd. ( ) 4.How many months are there in a year? D.Four.

( ) 5.How many seasons are there in a year? E.August 2nd. 五、按要求改句子:

1. My birthday is on the first of May. (划线提问) ________ ________ your birthday?

2. The party begins at two o’clock. (划线提问) ________ ________ does the party begin? 3. I like orange best. (换种表达,意思不变) _________ ________ my favourite colour. 4. I can come to your birthday party. (一般疑问句) ________ you come to ________ birthday party? 5. His birthday is on the second of January. (划线提问) __________ his birthday?

6. It is a quarter to eight. (划线提问) ________ ________ is it?


5A M1U1 练习(二) 班级________姓名_________家长签名_________


1 .My birthdays on the _____________ (twenty) of June. 2. Orange is ______ (I) favourite colour. 3. Here is a present for _______ (he).

4. How many _________ (people) in your class? – Forty. 5. There _____ (be) an orange and some apples on the table. 6. Look! Tom’s father _____________ (work).

7. Alice likes ___________ (sing). She can ______ (sing) very well.

8. _______ your mother ______ (have) an orange T-shirt? –Yes, she does. 9. ___________ (there be) some apples on the table.

10. The English lesson _________ (begin) at eight o’clock.

11. There are _______(7) days in a week. Sunday is the _______(1) day of a week. 二.、用介词填空:

1. My birthday is ____ the first _____ May. 2. Please listen_____ me first.

3. ______ Monday morning, I go to school on foot. 4. I watch TV _____ the evening every day. 5. Welcome _____ Shanghai.

6. This is a picture _____ my father. 7. Our party begins ______ half past one. 8. Kitty, bring a book _____ my party. 三、改写句子,每空格一词

1. Jill likes playing the violin. (一般疑问句)

________ Jill _______ playing the violin? 2. I have some orange things. (一般疑问句) ________ you have________ orange things? 3. We go to the party at nine o’clock. (划线提问) ________ _______ ______ you go to the park?

4. Kitty is riding a bicycle. (划线提问) _______ Kitty _________? 5. My father’s birthday is on the 17th of September. (划线提问)

_______ _______ father’s birthday ?


It is S________. It is sunny. The sun is shining in the sky. The Zhang family is playing at the b_________. Father is sailing a boat (航行船) in the sea. Mother is t_______. She is sitting under the umbrella. Two c_________ are playing sand football. The little girl Kitty is m_________ sand castles. John is swimming in the water. They are happy.


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