

课 题 1.学习单词 British, museum ,thanks,weekend,place,museum,how,best,took Trip,river,hour,minute,twenty. 2.用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情 What did you do at the weekend ? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 能力目标: 1、学会运用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情,尤其要掌握部分不规 则动词的过去式。 2.通过学习培养学生听、说、读、写和灵活运用语言的能力,培养学生的 教学目标 竞争和参与合作的意识。 情感目标: 通过学习动词的过去式,培养学生敢于开口说英语, 并让学生明白时间的可贵,学会合理安排自己的作息时间。 学习策略:1.景点资料、单词卡片、课文语境设置情景学习新单词和短语。 2.采用激励性评价,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,通过小组合作学习,培养学生自主运用语言的能力 教学重点: Sentence Structures: A: What did you do at the weekend ? B: We visited 教学重点lots of places. A:Where did you go ? B:We went to the British Museum . 教学难点 教学难点: 1.掌握单词和词组:

Unit 1 Where did you go? 锦凌小学集体备课成果集

museum,place,trip,river,hour,minute, lots of places,the British Museum,Big Ben,the London Eye,like..best,along the river. 2.学习并掌握句型“What did you do at the weekend?”和“ Where did you go”的问答表达。 教学准备 图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件 教学时间 教 学 过 程 Step 1.Warming up and Revision 1.Sing a song. “Where did you go?” (以过去式的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,为本课起了一个铺垫作用) Step 2 .Presentation 1. T: This summer I went to Dalian .And what did you do this summer? Ss: I went to the park ./I did my homework. T: Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. Do you know what did they do at the weekend ? Now this class we’ll learn M3U1 Where did you go? (板书课题领读两遍) Please turn to Page 14. 1.Listen to the tape and understand the text context. 2.Listen again and circle the new words. (这一环节学生交流预习中遇到的重点难点,小组试着讨论解决一些单词的读法。)小组交流之后,再请学生举手询问自己不理解的单词和句子。 New words and phrases on the board: weekend , places museum,trip,hour,minute,river. a.在自主学习、 小组讨论的基础上,利用单词卡片辅助教学新单词和词组。在学习

执教随笔 锦凌小学集体备课成果集

单词的过程采用了多种方法练习。 (Follow me ./Read together. / Read one by one./Read two by two. /I speak Chinese , you speak English. I speak English , you speak Chinese./Spell the word. etc. b. Listen again, answer the questions:(课件展示) ①What did Amy ,Lingling and Sam do at the weekend ? ②Where did they go? ③How did they go to these places ? ④Did Lingling like the bus ride best? Answer the questions by yourself, then talk about in Your group. Now Check the answers.(以抢答的形式回答,尽量做到公平,每个小组回答一个问题) ①They visited lots of places. ②They went to the British Museum and they visited Big Ben and the London Eye. ③They went by bus. ④Yes, she did. c. Group work: ①Read the text in roles: Daming ,Amy .(分角色朗读课文,有助于培养学生的角色意识) ②Know the Chinese meaning of the text. (让学生在活动中参与小组学习、交流、探索、提高)。 Step 3.Consolidation and Extension a. Look at P16. Look at the dialogues. For example: A: Where did you go last Sunday? B:I A :What did you do ? B:I A:When did you go? A:How did you go? Ask and answer in pairs in your group. Then let’s check. Who wants to be the little teacher?(把交流答案的过程交给小老师处理,根据回答


情况进行评价得分, 同时仿照以上环节对小老师适时鼓励)。 b. Homework: (作业布置可以使学生更好地掌握过去式的重点内容,同时也锻炼了他们的口头表达能力) Ask and answer with your friends: Where did you go at the weekend ? What did you do ? When? How? Who? 板书What did you do at the weekend? 设计 Where did you go ? How did you go these places? the British Museum, Take-took Go-went Like-liked Visit-visited 教学 后记 课 题 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father ? 1. 知识目标: 1)全体学生能理解并认读单词of, arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 全体学生能运用of, 部分学生能运用arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 教学目标 2) 大部分学生能通过找关键信息回答Who/How/When/What …?等特殊疑问句,来理解课文内容。 3)大部分学生能正确、流利地朗读课文。 2. 能力目标: 1)学会寻找关键信息,理解语篇,掌握重点语言。

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