


1.?After everyone was seated the chairman _______ to announce the plans.?[1分]

A. preceded B. produced C. processed D. proceeded

2.?You go first and I 'll ______?[1分]

A.chase B.hunt C.follow D.track

3.?He never told us why he was late for last meeting, ______?[1分]

A.wasn't he B.didn't he C.did he D.had he

4.?_______ you have finally answered the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else?[1分]

A.In that B. Now that C. Since that D.Even though

5.?At first _____ I thought it was Mary, but when I looked again I saw it was Jane.?[1分]

A.sight B.look C.watch D.stare

6.?She is unconscious now, but may ______ at intervals?[1分]

A.come out B.come to C.come on D.come over

7.?His parents ______, the orphan is now taken care of by the government?[1分]

A.have died B.having died C.dying D.dead

8.?The man who came to help is a friend of ______?[1分]

A.me B.I C.my D.mine

9.?The children took their skates and ______ the frozen pond.?[1分]

A.made up

B.made out C.made for D.made in

10.?Houses ______ almost in the night during the housing boom.?[1分]

A.spring out B.spring off C.spring up D.spring away

11.?Having been ______ work for nearly three months, the poor fellow has little money left now to buy himself food.?[1分]

A. out of B. at C.back to D. off

12.?Would you mind ______ down and wait for a few more minutes?[1分]

A.sitting B. to sit C.to have sat D.sit

13.?Who _______ will come to the press conference to be held this afternoon?[1分]

A.will you suppose B.do you suppose

C.you suppose D.you are suppose

14.?He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice as if his thought _______.?[1分]

A.was far away B.had been far away C.were far away D.went far away

15.?The reporter failed to _____ the story.?[1分]

A.track down B.track along C.track through D.track back

16.?She is going to call you, _____?[1分]

A.won't she B.isn't she C.hasn't she D.doesn't she

17.?Who is going to ______ the telephone?[1分]

A.reply B.take C.respond


18.?Let's ______ the votes.?[1分]

A.count B.estimate C.number D.calculate

19.?The house was ______ as though a big celebration was going on.?[1分]

A.lit on B.lit up C.lit out D.lit over

20.?They discussed the matter _______ tea and cakes?[1分]

A.over B.while C.with D.at

21.?The Industrial Revolution displayed a new ______.?[1分]

A.period B.era C.time D.page

22.?He was talking about the ______ setting up a special committee for the case?[1分]

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