
海 淀 区 高 三 年 级 第 二 学 期 期 末 练 习

英 语 2019.05



第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。


To me, the most beautiful thing is the ocean. It is beautiful because it has a calming effect. When 1 (listen) to the sound of the waves, I feel peaceful. 2 the age of 10, I went to the beach for the first time. With my feet in the water, I felt totally relaxed, and the sound of the ocean really 3 (comfort) me. From then on, I often dream of floating in the ocean, feeling carefree.


Discovering yourself plays 4 important role in inspiring your confidence. By doing so, you could know 5 you are weak in. And you may also realize you’re quite a great person with great strengths. So when you’re in a hard situation, you will believe in 6 (you) and spend the most difficult time with confidence. Otherwise you may give up and then lose everything. Therefore, the ability 7 (trust) yourself will decide your future a lot.


The year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. The past four decades has seen China shift its society from a farmers’ community to a digital culture 8 (successful). Under the leadership of CPC, many 9 (achievement) can be seen in every field. The life of the Chinese people has improved, with millions of people being lifted out of poverty. The country now has the world’s 10 (large) high-speed rail network. And with around 800 million Internet users, China has become the world’s fastest-growing online shopping market.

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 第1页(共10页)

I was studying chemistry at college because my family thought it was the key to success. One day, my professor took me aside and asked a very simple question, “Why are you in my class when it’s obvious that you have little or no 11 in chemistry?”

I came up with an explanation by 12 pressure from my dad, but he knew it was just a /an 13 excuse. He gave me the following advice.

“Success can only be measured by oneself, and each of us is 14 . Your success will not be the same as mine, as your neighbor’s or your parents’. There is no secret formula(公式), no examination you have to 15 , and no guarantee, but there is a secret ingredient— 16 . To be successful in life in the broadest sense, you must pursue your passion. 17 it is fixing cars or exploring the world, you must be passionate about your 18 and set a path to achieve it. Only then will you find true 19 .”

Since I was just nineteen years old, that was pretty profound advice to 20 , but I knew instinctively (本能地) that he was 21 . I made a conscious self-examination of my short life to 22 where my passion was hiding. It was so 23 that even my kid sister could have told me my true passion was music. It was in my genes. I could play the piano by ear, but had 24 considered music as a hobby.

Could I be a successful musician? Or a songwriter? Or a music critic? There was only one way to find out, so I took my professor’s 25 and switched to the university’s music school. I studied harmony and composition, learned how to play a clarinet(单簧管) and 26 the symphony orchestra. I felt as though I was on top of the world, and that 27 has

symphony orchestra never left me.

I’m now fifty-four years old, and a very happy and 28

man. As I look at the walls of my small office, I still get a thrill at seeing the records I 29 , the photos of the famous musicians I was lucky enough to play with, and the praises from many of the finest instrumentalists in the world who I am honored to call my friends.

Life was a long journey, and not a/an 30 one, but I followed my passion and succeeded.

11. A. achievement B. doubt C. interest D. belief 12. A. blaming B. gathering C. overcoming D. reducing 13. A. accurate B. weak C. direct D. innocent 14. A. different B. perfect C. honest D. creative 15. A. design B. pass C. control D. stand 16. A. knowledge B. confidence C. passion D. effort 17. A. Unless B. Because C. While D. Whether 18. A. study B. need C. goal D. gift 19. A. fortune B. friendship C. character D. happiness 20. A. confirm B. absorb C. remember D. seek 21. A. sensitive B. generous C. kind D. right 22. A. choose B. report C. discover D. follow 23. A. likely B. obvious C. popular D. practical 24. A. only B. even C. never D. seldom 25. A. message B. lecture C. advice D. view 26. A. helped B. started C. hosted D. joined

27. A. feeling B. experience C. expression D. appreciation 28. A. independent B. patient C. brave D. contented 29. A. bought B. made C. received D. copied 30. A. easy B. good C. ordinary D. safe 海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 第2页(共10页)


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)



Everyone at Pacsafe is always eager to get out in the world and enjoy new cultures, food, and experiences. With that in mind we asked a few of our top travel bugs for their best travel destination recommendations for 2019. They also included their favorite Pacsafe bag to take on the trip. Enjoy and hopefully get some ideas for your own globe-trotting adventure. Sri Lanka---Alison Hanko, Global Marketing Director

I’m going to Sri Lanka this summer holiday and can’t wait. It’s close to Hong Kong where I live and I’ve always wanted to go. The food is supposed to be amazing. It seems really relaxing and I really want to do the Kandy to Badulla train ride, which looks just stunning. We’ve booked a good mix of beaches, some time in a safari tent to hopefully see elephants in the wild.

For my bag, I’ll most likely take the Quiksilver 40L Pack because it has the built-in wet pack for my bikinis. It’s also a great size for a week-long trip in a warm climate. Japan---Ben Barras, Creative Director

Japan is definitely my best travel destination recommendation. The culture, the streets, the architecture, the inspiration you get from all of that is amazing. The food is also fascinating. It’s where I’m most planning to go. Tokyo obviously, but also visiting the mountains. You can go snowboarding, which I haven’t done for years.

I have a Vibe 25L Backpack which you can pack a lot in. The thing I like most about it is that it’s compact, but still fits plenty in. I’ll pair that up with a larger travel bag for the rest of my things and use the backpack to get around day to day.

Berlin---Phil Hayes, Executive VP of Global Design

For me, it’s definitely Berlin. I’m particularly excited about the fashion, which I hear is pretty full on. Also the art galleries and history. Food, nightlife. Everything I’ve heard about Berlin is pretty cool, so I’m going to suck as much as I can out of it. World’s Global Style Network had the Berlin shopping list that came out recently, so I’m going to follow that through as well.

Bag wise, it will be the Quiksilver X Collab Bag. It’s the 25L Anti-theft Backpack. It’s normally my go-to bag for city trips because it’s super easy to lock on the plane and in bars, and it’s just the right amount of space.

31. Which of the Pacsafe bag is a good choice for beach travel?

A. The Quiksilver 40L Pack. B. The Vibe 25L Backpack. C. The Quiksilver X Collab Bag. D. 25L Anti-theft Backpack. 32. If you are interested in fashion, which destination should you choose? A. Sri Lanka. B. Japan. C. Hong Kong. D. Berlin. 33. What can you enjoy in all the three places mentioned? A. Beautiful beaches. B. Amazing food. C. Fascinating art. D. Cool snowboarding. 34. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. share personal travelling experiences B. offer practical tips on taking adventure C. present cultures in different countries D. recommend favorable travel destinations 海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 第3页(共10页)

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