

Lesson 62: After the fire 大火之后 【Text】

Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil. 【课文翻译】



New words and expressions 生词和短语 1. control [k?n'tr?ul] n. 控制 2. smoke [sm?uk] n. 烟

3. desolate ['des?l?t, 'des?leit] adj. 荒凉的 4. threaten ['θret?n] v. 威胁

5. surrounding [s?'raundi?] adj. 周围的 6. destruction [di'str?k??n] n. 破坏,毁灭 7. flood [fl?d] n. 洪水,水灾

8. authority [?:'θ?r?ti] n. (常用复数)当局 9. grass-seed ['gra:s'si:d] n. 草籽 10.spray [sprei] v. 喷撒

11.quantity ['kw?nt?ti] n. 量 12.root [ru:t, rut] n. 根

13.century ['sent?uri] n. 世纪 14.patch [p?t?] n. 小片 更多精品文档


15.blacken ['bl?k?n] v. 变黑,发暗


1. control [k?n'tr?ul] n. 控制 1)控制,管理

control of sb./sth.

control over sb./sth. 控制,支配

children who lack parental control 缺乏父母管教的孩子 eg. He got so angry that he lost control of himself. 他气得无没自制。

be in control of sth. 指挥,管理或控制……(=in charge of) eg. Who is in control of (in charge of)the plan? 谁负责这个计划?

bring sth under control/get sth under control 控制住某事 be under control 在控制之中

eg. the fire has been brought under control. 火势已受到控制。

eg. Don’t worry. Everything is under control. 别担心,一切尽在控制之中。

be out of control / get out of control 失去控制 eg. The children were out of control. 管不住这些孩子。

eg. The fire was out of control 大火失去了控制。

2) vt. 管理,控制,操纵,支配 control sb./sth.

control prices 操纵价格 control traffic 管理交通

eg. I can’t control my emotions/feelings. 我不能控制自己的感情。

controller n. (尤指大机构中部门的)负责人

2. smoke [sm?uk] n. 烟

1)n. 烟 (vampor coming from sth. that is burning) have a smoke / enjoy a smoke 抽一支烟 eg. There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。

smoke-bomb 烟幕弹

end up in smoke / go up in smoke (计划等)成泡影,化为乌有 2)v. 吸烟

eg. You can’t smoke in this place. 你不能在这吸烟。 eg. He smoked a pipe. 更多精品文档

学习-----好资料 他吸烟斗。

eg. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day. 他每天吸20支烟。 smoker 抽烟的人(可数)

a heavy smoker/ a chain smoker 烟抽的多的人 3) v. 冒烟

a smoking volcano 冒烟的火山

eg. The chimney is ornamental and never smokes. 这烟囱是用来装饰的,从来不冒烟。

3. desolate ['des?l?t, 'des?leit] adj. 荒凉的

1)adj. 荒凉的,荒芜的(a place deserted or miserable) a desolate hill 荒凉的小山

a desolate industrial area 工业废墟

2)adj. (指人)凄凉无友的,孤凄的( lonely and sad, miserable) a desolate person; 一个凄凉的人 a desolate life; 凄凉的一生

eg. We all felt extremely desolate when she left. 他离开时,我们都感到很凄凉

3)v. [des?leit] 使……沦为废墟,使荒凉,使……悲伤绝望(尤用于被动语态) a city desolated by civil war 因内战而荒凉的城市

a family desolated by the loss of a child 失去一个孩子而悲伤绝望的家庭 desolation [u] n. 荒凉,破坏;凄凉,孤寂 the desolation caused by war 战争引起的破坏 desolately adv. 荒凉地

4. threaten ['θret?n] v. 威胁 1)v. 恐吓,威胁

threaten sb. with… 以……恐吓(人)

threaten an employee with dismissal 用解雇威胁一个员工 threaten sb. with a gun 持枪威胁

eg. The robber threatened me with a gun. 歹徒持枪威胁我。

eg. The hills threaten the villages with destruction. 山丘给村庄带来毁灭性的威胁。 threaten to do sth. 恐吓说要……

eg. He threatened to make the photo public. 他恐吓说要把照片公之于众。

2) v. threaten to do sth. 有……恶兆(似将发生不好的事情)(坏事)迫近 eg. It theatens to snow. 天要下雪了。

eg. A typhoon was threatening. 台风迫近。

threat n. 恐吓,威胁

an empty threat虚张声势 更多精品文档

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