湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Ca

Unit8 It must belong to Carla.

The Second Period (Section A 3a-3c)

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教师寄语:A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.


【预习导学】 1、学习目标

1)阅读文章,进一步理解must,might,could,can’t在语境中的含义。 2)关注文章细节,灵活掌握语言的不同表达。


Task 1 根据音标自学本课时的新单词,特别注意单词的词性、词义以及读音。

单词 happening policeman uneasy 词性 词义 单词 noise wolf 词性 词义

Task 2 浏览课本P59图片,试着猜测一下What’s happening in the town?


Step 1 Free talk (Sound)

Did you hear anything unusual? What might be happening? How do you feel when you hear a strange noise?

Step 2 Fast reading.

Read the article quickly and choose the test title in 3a.

Step 3 Careful reading. 1) Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises.

Then have a discussion in groups.

2) Read the article again and find words to match the meaning in 3b.

Step 4 Role-play

Role-play the article.

【训练反馈】 Ⅰ. 短语翻译

1. 住在小镇里 2. 互相认识

3. 周围 13. 看见某人正在做某事 4. 进来 14. 跑了 5. 不同寻常的事情 15. 太……以致不能 6. 奇怪的声音 16. 觉得不安 7. 窗外 17. 某人自己的想法 8. 开心玩耍 18. 在小区里 9. 报警 19. 不知道 10. 我认为不是这样 20. 走开 11. 隔壁邻居 21. 做某事有乐趣 12. 在这个地区 22. 制造恐惧 Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。

1. She told me not to make any (噪音)because the baby was sleeping. 2. Mr. Li always works in the (实验室)until midnight. 3. It’s said that there are some (狼) in the forest. 4. It’s cold outside. You’d better put on your (外套). 5. The (男警察)showed me the way to the nearest bank. Ⅲ. 单选。

( )1. –Have you decided which senior high school to choose?

--Not yet. I go to Moonlight School. A. must B. may C. need D. should

( )2. Oh, my god! The kids are making too much here. I can’t do


A. sound B. voice C. noise D. speak ( )3. –Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Ann?

--It be her. She is giving a performance at the theater now. A. may B. must C. can’t D. mustn’t

( )4. My host family tried to cook for me when I studied in New


A. different something B. different anything C. something different D. anything different ( )5. All the boys had fun at the party.

A. dance B. dancer C. to dancer D. dancing

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