
摘 要

随着区域经济一体化、世界经济全球化的发展,企业竞争环境正在发生前所未有的剧烈动荡和变化,顾客忠诚度以其对企业经营绩效产生的巨大贡献而日益成为人们关注的焦点。因为企业产生的根源是利润的驱动,利润是企业存在的前提,而顾客则是利润的源泉。在以顾客为核心的企业中,顾客不仅是营销的目标和对象,而且是营销的参与者,并且是启动和控制营销的决定者。因此企业既要不断争取新顾客,开辟新市场,提高市场占有率,又要努力保持现有顾客,培育忠诚顾客,稳定市场占有率。然而,对于顾客忠诚度的确切含义、顾客忠诚度的影响因素、顾客忠诚度影响因素的作用等问题,仍存在较大的争议。基于此,本文将在界定顾客忠诚度内涵的基础上对顾客忠诚度的影响因素和提升策略作一定的探析。 关键词:顾客,忠诚度,原因,分析,经验


Japan into the world's first high-speed railway, the world experienced three high-speed rail development climax, the most representative countries are Japan, France, Germany, Italy and so on. High-speed railway in China started late, but the high starting point, rapid development, through the introduction of foreign core technology absorption and innovation, the initial high-speed railway with the capacity building, ushered in a new era of high-speed railway construction. High-speed rail is a set of the most advanced railway technology, advanced operations management, marketing and financing, including complex systems engineering, with a highly efficient operating system, which includes the construction of infrastructure, rolling stock configuration , station and train operating rules and other aspects of technology and management. This high-speed railway construction and development from the start of China, summed up the definition of high-speed railway and the main types of high-speed railway construction and development of China's status and trends, for reference.

Key words: high-speed railway; development; building; high-speed passenger line



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