【真题】2017年黑龙江省龙东地区中考英语试卷与 解析


一、Multiple choice (本题共20分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.

1.(1分)Dear children,this is ______ unusual exam.______ exam is very important to you.Please take it easy.Wish you good results.( ) A.an; The

B.a; the C.an;A n

2.(1分)﹣My grandmother was ill in hospital yesterday.﹣______.( ) A.That's all right

B.I'm sorry to hear that

C.That's a good idea.

3.(1分)Chairman Xi Jinping ______ the president of the USA ______ April 6th,2017.( )

A.will meet; in B.met; on C.meets; on

4.(1分)My cousin is ______ heavy because he often eats ______ fast food.( ) A.much too; too many C.much too; too much

B.too much; too much

5.(1分)﹣There is little pollution in that village,_______? ﹣No.The air there is quite fresh and clean.( ) A.is there B.isn't there

C.is it

6.(1分)If you want to keep your teeth healthy,you'd better not eat ________ a lot.( )

A.something sweet B.anything sweet C.nothing sweet

7.(1分)My teacher often encourages me ______ at least one hour a day reading books.( )

A.to pay B.cost C.to spend

8.(1分)Everyone plays an important part in society.As members,we should try our best to do______ to make the world better and better.( )

A.what we should do B.what should we do C.how we should do

9.(1分)﹣Would you mind ______ here?

﹣Of course not.I'll ______ my cigarette at once.( ) A.not smoking; put away B.not smoking; put out C.not to smoke; put off

10.(1分)It's time for me ______ goodbye to my mother school.I will never forget all my ______ love.( ) A.to say; teachers' C.to say; teacher's

B.saying; teachers'

11.(1分)______of the students in our class ______ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.( )

A.Two fifths; are B.Second fifths; are C.Two fifths; is

12.(1分)As for learning English,students ______ read a lot can do much better than ______ who don't.( )

A.who; that B.which; those C.that; those

13.(1分)﹣Look!The man at the school gate _________ be our headmaster.He is always standing there to welcome us every morning.

﹣No,it _______ be him.He is holding a meeting in the office now.( ) A.must; can't

B.must; mustn't

C.can't; mustn't

14.(1分)﹣______ shocking news!It is reported that the UK is repeatedly under terror attack.

﹣So it is.We should call on the people all over the world to be against terrorism(恐怖主义).( )

A.What an B.How C.What

15.(1分)﹣I saw Jim ______ into that new building just now. ﹣Oh,it's our new library.It ______ to the public for a week.( ) A.walk; has opened B.walk; has been open C.walking; has opened

16.(1分)Neither he nor I was playing computer games at this time yesterday.We ______ trees in the neighborhood.( ) A.were planting C.are planting


17.(1分)The number of the old people is increasing in China.With the development of China,they _____ better care of in the future.( ) A.will take B.are taken C.will be taken

18.(1分)﹣Alice,could you tell me when your sister ______ from Harbin? ﹣I'm not sure.I will call you when she ______.( ) A.will come back; will return B.comes back; will return C.will come back; returns

19.(1分)The TV play Journey to the West is ______ interesting ______I would like to watch it again.( ) A.such; that B.too; to

C.so; that

20.(1分)Which of the following signs means DON'T GET WATER HERE?( )


B. C.

二、Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

21.(15分)China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪).Chinese people are(21) the most hospitable(好客的) people in the world.If(22) visit a Chinese family,they would be(23) at the warmth that they would receive as guests.

When you visit a Chinese family,the host usually makes tea for you and (24) you snacks

like biscuits or candy.Someone in the family will also chat with you,never letting you feel (25) .

At the same time,other family members will be busy(26) a meal for

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