
A. Arts B. Entertainment C. Medicine D. Science


20. 完成句子

阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(注意:只写答案,试题的其他内容不得抄入答题卡) 1.—Teachers_______________________________ students’ future.(有很大的影响)(make)

—So they do.

2. —Mike_______________ a new job five days ago.(毫不费力地找到了新工作)(difficulty) —How lucky he is!

3. —There are too many cars in our city , we should drive less for fresh air.

—You’re right , everyone___________.(人人都应该尽一份力保护环境)(part) 4. —I____________________.(发现和父母很好地相处很困难)(find) —Why not communicate with them more?

5. —Many parents ___________________now.(不怕麻烦地为孩子提供所需要的一切)(way)

—So many children depend on their parents too much. 6. —How did Mary feel about the exciting news?

—She _______________________________.(如此的开心以至于止不住地发笑)(so)

7. —Before exams , students _______________________________by teachers.(老师们总是告诫学生尽量避免犯以前犯过的错误)(avoid) —Oh , it’s hard to do that.


21. 短文综合填空


Language is always changing and developing. That isn’t a bad thing. If English hasn’t changed for a long time , we won’t have words to d 1. telephones , washing machines , computers or some other new things.

Language changes for s 2. reasons. First , it changes because the needs of its speakers change. New technologies , new products , and new experiences need new words to e 3. them clearly. A 4. reason for change is that

different people have different language experiences. People use different sets of words and expressions b 5. they have different ages , jobs , education levels and so on.

How does language d 6. then? On the one hand , many of the language changes begin with young people. When young people communicate with others of their o 7. age , their language grows in grammar , words and expressions. Some have a short lifetime , but o 8. have a long life. On the other hand , we get new words in many different ways. We borrow them from other languages , we create them by m 9. words shorter or putting words together and we make them out of right names.

Language that don’t change over time are c 10. dead languages. The fact that English changes so much shows that it is a 11. and well.


22. 书面表达

在成长的过程中,你会遇到很多烦恼和困难,肯定有很多人对你提供过帮助,请以“Thank you , my__________”为题,对帮助过你的某个人表示感谢。 写作提示:1、他/她是什么样的人; 2、他/她做过什么让你最感激的事; 3、你想怎样表达你的感激之情;

要求:1.语言通顺 , 意思连贯 , 条理清楚 , 书写规范。












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