
—— Pretty good. Everything goes well.

A. What are you doing B. How are youC. How’s it going D. What’s wrong —Goodbye, everyone. .—Bye, Sally! Don’t forget to write.

A. Stay in touch B. Just wait and see C. Sounds great D. Come this way —Would you mind not throwing waste here?—____.

A. Sorry, I won’t do it again B. Sure, I’d love to. C. Yes, of course. D. No, thanks.

—Sir , could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school. — __________A. I‘m sorry about this. B. No problem C. Sure, I‘d love to D. Never mind.

—I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.

—What a lucky boy! _________ And don’t forget to send me a postcard.

A. That sounds good. B. Have a good time! C. Good luck! D. Can I go with you? — I believe this is the best movie of the year.— Well, . Anyway, the ending is OK. A. that’s a good idea B. that may not be a good idea C. I’m not sure if you’re right D. I think you’re right —Please give my best wishes to your grandparents.—____________. A. You are welcome B. I think so C. Thanks, I will —Would you like me to help you with the housework ? —_______. But I can manage it myself.

A. That’s very kind of you B. The same to you C. Take it easy —I’m very sorry. I broke your tea cup.—__________.

A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better notC. Take it easy D. It’s too bad —How is everything going in the hospital, dear? —________. A. I’m all right, thanks B. Not too bad, I guess C. Not at all D. That’s all right, thank you

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