
2. 定语从句由介词+关系代词引导,先行词是物时。如:

The thing about which he is talking is of great importance. 他考虑的这件事非常重要。 3. 先行词本身是that时。如:

I don’t like that which he did. 我不喜欢他做的那件事。


1. 先行词是指人的不定代词,如one, anyone, no one, all, nobody, anybody, those等;

①One who does not work hard will never succeed. ②Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.

③She is the only one of the students who has been to the USA.

④Those who learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed. 2. 在以there be…的句子中,先行词为人时;

There is a comrade outside who wants to see you.

3. 当定语从句中又有定语从句,且先行词都为人时;

The student that won the first prize is the monitor who works hard. 4. 当指人的先行词被一些指物的名词修饰时;

There’s only one student in the school who I want to see.

Do you know the woman in blue with a baby on her back who is working in the fields 5. 在非限制性定语从句中指人

I met a friend of mine in the street, who had just come from America. 练一练 A. 单项选择

1. The radio set ________ last week has been out of order. A. I bought B. I bought it C. which I bought it D. what I bought 2. All the apples ________ fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs. A. which B. / C. that D. they 3. 4. 5.

I can tell you ________ he told me last week. A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all that This is the biggest lab ________ we have ever built in our university. A. which B. what C. that D. where Is oxygen the only gas ________ helps fire burn

A. that B. / C. which D. what 6. Air, ________ we breathe every day, is around us all the time. A. that B. / C. it D. which

7. This is the museum ________ we saw an exhibition the other day.

A. that B. which C. where D. in that 8. This is the museum ________ you saw the other day. A. that B. where C. in which D. in that 9. He has left Beijing, ________ a meeting is to be held. A. when B. where C. as D. which 10. This is the very place ________ I’m wishing to live in. A. where B. which C. that D. in which 11. Is it in that factory ________ “Red Flag” cars are made A. in which B. where C. which D. that 12. The reason ________ he didn’t come was ________ he was injured. A. that; because B. why; that C. why; because 13. All ________ is needed is a supply of oil. A. the thing B. that C. what

D. that; that D. which

1. Finally, the thief handed everything ________ he had stolen to the police.

A. which B. what C. whatever D. that 2. He talked a lot about things and persons ________ they remembered in the

school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what Key: 1---5 ACDCA 6---10 DCABC 11---15 DBBDB

B. 把下列各句子合并成定语从句

1. John is a very kind-hearted man. You can turn to him for help.

_________________________________________________________________. 2. The book is written by that famous writer. I am very interested in it.

_________________________________________________________________. 3. Tom is the boy. I went to the cinema with him together.

_________________________________________________________________. 4. Have you remembered the factory We worked in it last year.

________________________________________________________________ 5. It is the gold diamond. I spent all my money on it.

_________________________________________________________________. Key:

1. John is a very kind-hearted man whom you can turn to for help./ John is a very kind-hearted man to whom you can turn for help. 2. The book which I am very interested in is written by that famous writer./ The book in which I am very interested is written by that famous writer. 3. Tom is the boy whom I went to the cinema with together./ Tom is the boy with whom I went to the cinema together.

4. Have you remembered the factory which we worked in last year/ Have you remembered the factory in which we worked last year 5. It is the gold diamond which I spent all my money on./ It is the gold diamond on which I spent all my money.


1. Is this hospital that they want to visit next week

_________________________________________________________ 2. Is this the museum the one some German friends visited the other day

_________________________________________________________ 3. He has two sons, each of them looks like him.

_________________________________________________________ 4. He will never forget the days when he spent with the villagers.


5. Please tell us about the people and interesting things which you have seen in


_________________________________________________________ 6. The knife which she often uses it to cut the bread is very sharp.

_________________________________________________________ 7. Please pass me the book that cover is red.

_________________________________________________________ 8. The sun heats the earth, that is very important.

_________________________________________________________ Key:

1. hospital前加the 2. 去掉museum前的the 3. 将them改为whom 4. 将when改为that 5. 将which改为that 6. 去掉it 7. 将that改为whose 8. 将that改为which

D. 中考真题

1. “What do you think of the school uniforms” “Very good. I like clothes ________

make me feel comfortable.” A. that B. what C. who

2. There will be a flower show in the park ________ we visited last week. A. who B. when C. what D. Which 3. —Now many people smoke and get ill.

—So we should do something ________ can help stop smoking. A. what B. who C. / D. that

4. I still remember the time ________ we spent together at Xisai Mountain last 5. 6.


A. when B. what C. who D. which The little boy was wrapping the present ________ world be sent to his teacher. A. who B. / C. what D. that Mr. Smith ________ is smoking is looking for ________ she lost yesterday. A. whom; which B. who; what C. that; who D. which; where

Success will belong to those ________ never say “impossible”. A. whom B. what C. who D. which —What are you looking for

7. 8.

—I’m looking for the ring ________ my husband bought me last year. A. that B. who C. whom D. it 9. I hate people ________ talk much but do little.

A. who B. which C. whose D. whom 10. Piano is a word ________ was originally borrowed from Italian.

A. where B. who C. which D. whose 11. It’s interesting that there are many people ________ speak French in Canada.

A. which B. where C. who 12. —Do you enjoy My heart will go on

—No, I prefer songs ________ loud.

A. that is B. which is C. that are D. what are 13. I can never forget the stories ________ my grandma told me.

A. what B. who C. them D. that 14. This is the primary school ________ I studied three years ago.

A. where B. when C. that D. which 15. Please pass me the cartoon book ________ has a Mickey Mouse on the cover.

A. whom B. whose C. who D. which 16. —What kind of movies do you like

—I like the movie ________ are about Chinese history. A. who B. whom C. whose D which 17. Most students like the teachers ________ understand them well

A. who B. when C. what D. which 18. —What are you looking for

—I’m looking for the pen ________ my father gave me last week. A. who B. which C. whose 19. —Do you know the girl ________ is helping the old lady.

—Oh, that’s my sister.

D. whom

A. whom B. whose C. who D. where

20. Steve Jobs is one of the persons ________ founded Apple Computer Company.

His death marked the end of an era (时代). A. who B. whom C. which D. / Key: 1---5 ADDDD 6---10 BCAAC 11---15 CCDAD 16-20DABCA

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