
人教版五年级英语上册期末试卷及标准答案(含听力材料) 听力部分

一、 听录音,选出你在句子中所听到的内容。(10%) 1.( ) A. set Bsit C.Zip

2.( )A. What can he do? B.What can she do? C.What can it do ? 3 ( )A.Tuesday B.Friday C.Monday

4.( )A.do homework B.watch TV C.read books 5.( )A.it B.she’s C.she

6.( )A.apples B.bananas C.fresh 7.( )A .tasty B. healthy C.sour

8.( )A. Yes, I do. B.No, I don’t C. No, I can’t. 9.( )A. football B. play C.ping-pong

10.( )A..talll buildings B.small houses C.in the cities 二、听录音,判断句子和图片,相符打“√”,不符打“X” 。(10%)

( )6.We often clean the bedroom on Saturdays. ( )7.I can cook the meals.

( )8.Tom can clean the bedroom and cook the meals. ( )9.Tom and Sam can do homework at home. ( )10.There is a mirror over the bed. 三.听录音,填词. (10%)

1.What do you do on ? I often . 2.Can you the ? Yes, I can.

3.Miss Li is my teacher. She is . 4.What day is it today? Today is .

5.Can you see many small_______ in the village? No, I _______. 四.听录音,选答句. (10%)

1.( )A.Miss Lin B.Mr Huang C.Mr Zhao

2.( )A.read books B.Yes, I can.. C.Yes, she can.. 3.( )A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I can . C.Yes, I am. 4.( )A.I’d like tofu. B.mutton C.Yes, she like. 5.( )A.Yes, he can. B.No, she can’t . C.Yes, they can..

五.听录音,判断句子是否与录音内容相符,相符打“√”,不符打“X” 。(10%)

( )1.I have my own room now. It’s not small. ( )2.There is an end table.

( )3.The end tables are on the window. ( )4.There are two curtains.

( )5.The trash bin is near the door. 笔试部分 六.短文选词填空。(10%) too our isn’t old doesn’t Mr with from paint very student friend

Art teacher is Ma. He’s Canada. He tall, but he’s strong. He’s funny. His class is so much fun..We can in his class. He’s our______. He often plays us. He like Chinese food. But he likes Chinese. He likes China, . 七.根据所给图片回答问题。(10%) 1. Are there any fish in the lake? ( 1)


2.What do you have on Fridays? (2) 鱼、豆腐 .

3.What would you like for lunch? .

4. What day is it today? (4) .


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