2017届高考英语一轮复习 模块复习方略 课时作业6 新人教版必修2


(时间:45分钟 满分:100分) Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.—What do you think of the book?

—Oh, excellent.It is worth reading (read) a second time.

2.On National Day, the buildings in Beijing were decorated with red flags. 3.He was able to provide the police with some valuable (value) information. 4.During the summer, New York offers a variety of special cultural (culture) events. 5.They have made amazing (amaze) achievements in the past few years, shocking many people.

6.He had the dirt removed (remove) from his shoes before coming into the room. 7.He told us whether to_have (have) a picnic was still under discussion. 8.It has been proved that eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.

9.The employee you have been thinking highly (high) of proves dishonest.

10.Mr.Reed selected (select) to represent us in the meeting has been sent to have a talk with them. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.Before they moved into the new house,they bought some new furnitures to equip it.furnitures→furniture

2.During the war,much of the property of that family were transferred secretly.were→was

3.Have you got the latest evidence which he was innocent?which→that 4.Tom returned back on time as usual.去掉back 5.The room can serve a study.serve后加上as

6.His work was high thought of by the critics.high→highly

7.Scientists are in search for a cure for this serious disease.第一个for→of或in后加上their

8.The bag belongs to me is over there.belongs→belonging

9.How are you going to do with the food left over from the party?How→What 10.There is some doubt that John will come to help us when we are in trouble.that→whether或some→no Ⅲ.完形填空

(2016·河南洛阳第二次统考)In a food store I heard a woman say her foot was hurting and that she was going to call a cab.When walking back home,I saw her outside the store,probably __1__ for a cab.

I asked her where she was going.She told me a place which was actually on the __2__ to the craft store I’d be __3__ to.So I asked her to __4__ the cab and I’d give her a ride.To my __5__,she said okay without __6__.I wonder if I’d have been so __7__ if a stranger made me the same offer!

Where she was going was __8__ on the way to where I was going.It was such a __9__ interaction.But there was more!

When I had __10__ what I went for and was waiting at the checkout,the woman behind

me said she had a coupon(优惠券)for 50% off any __11__ in the store.She gave it to me because she had a(n) __12__ one.!I thanked her and gave her a __13__ card. They say “what goes around comes around”,but sometimes it is hard to see how that __14__ as there is often a “manifestation (显现)delay”.Each action __15__ a ripple (涟漪) that eventually __16__ back to us,but sometimes it is much __17__ so we forget their connection.

Today the causes and effects have appeared in a linkable manner in __18__.I’m also opening myself to receiving gifts,now or in the future.I can learn so much from others as to how __19__ they are to receive gifts in a way I might not have been if __20__ the same.

语篇解读 作者开车顺路送了一位女士到达目的地,接着作者在购物结束准备结账时,一位陌生女士主动提供给了他一张优惠券,这让作者相信:付出总有回报,尽管有时回报来得比较迟。

1.A.caring B.waiting C.applying D.ordering

B [根据上一句中的...and that she was going to call a cab.可推断此处表示“或许她在等出租车”,故wait(等待)正确。care for意为“照顾;关心”;apply for意为“申请”;order意为“预订”。] 2.A.left B.right C.carriage D.way

D [根据下句...I’d give her a ride.可推断她要去的地方和“我”要去的工艺品商店顺路,故on the way to(到……的路上)正确。] 3.A.driving B.leading C.walking D.pulling

A [根据语境以及下句中的...give her a ride.可知此处表示“我”,即将开车去某处,故drive(驾驶)正确。] 4.A.take B.postpone C.cancel D.charge

C [“我”能够顺路送这位女士,所以“我”让她取消出租车。take意为“拿走”;postpone意为“推迟,延期”;cancel意为“取消”;charge意为“充电;控告;索价”。根据语境可知C项正确。]

5.A.sadness B.amazement C.respect D.disappointment

B [句意为:使我惊讶的是,她毫不犹豫地同意了。sadness意为“悲伤”;amazement意为“吃惊”;respect意为“尊敬”;disappointment意为“失望”。根据语境可知B项正确。]

6.A.hesitation B.aim C.doubt D.delay

A [without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫地”,符合语境。without aim意为“没有目标地”;without doubt意为“毫不怀疑地”;without delay意为“毫不耽搁地”。] 7.A.enthusiastic B.inviting C.trusting D.puzzled

C [句意为:我在想如果陌生人给我提供同样的帮助,我是否也会如此信任(别人)。根据语境可知trusting(信任的)正确。enthusiastic意为“热情的,热心的”;inviting意为“诱

人的;有魅力的”;puzzled意为“困惑的,茫然的”。] 8.A.very B.universally C.surely D.right D [句意为:她要去的地方正好和我要去的地方顺路。right意为“恰好”,符合语境。very意为“很,非常”;universally意为“普遍地”;surely意为“肯定地;无疑”。] 9.A.shameful B.beautiful C.careful D.frightful B [根据语境可知,“我”认为这么巧合的事情,必定很美好,故beautiful(美好的)正确。shameful意为“可耻的;不体面的”;careful意为“仔细的;小心的”;frightful意为“可怕的;惊人的”。] 10.A.picked up B.put up C.given up D.gone up

A [句意为:当我拿好要买的东西等待结账时,在我后面的女士说她有优惠券,店里的任何货品都可以打五折。根据语境可知pick up(拿起)正确。put up意为“举起;张贴”;give up意为“放弃”;go up意为“上升”。] 11.A.load B.demand C.limit D.item

D [根据语境可知此处表示商店里的任何商品,故item(商品,货品)正确。load意为“负载,负荷”;demand意为“要求”;limit意为“限制”。] 12.A.familiar B.devoted C.extra D.important

C [句意为:她给了我那张优惠券,因为她还有额外的一张。根据语境可知extra(额外的)正确。familiar意为“熟悉的”;devoted意为“投入的;忠诚的”;important意为“重要的”。]

13.A.post B.smile C.note D.paper

B [句意为:我感谢了她,给了她一张“微笑卡”。根据常识可知smile(微笑)正确。] 14.A.shares B.compromises C.recognizes D.works

D [句意为:人们说:有付出就有回报,但有时很难看到这是如何起作用的,因为通常这种回报会滞后显现。work意为“起作用,有效果”,符合语境。share意为“分享”;compromise意为“妥协”;recognize意为“认出;识别”。] 15.A.creates B.freezes C.ships D.affects

A [每个行为都会创造出一个最终会回报我们的连锁反应。create意为“创造”,符合语境。freeze意为“冻结”;ship意为“运送”;affect意为“影响”。] 16.A.puts B.holds C.comes D.keeps

C [come back to意为“返回到”,符合语境。] 17.A.easier B.funnier C.later D.swifter

C [但有时候回报来得太迟,所以我们忘记了它们之间的联系。根据上句中的manifestation delay可知此处表示来得太迟,故later(更迟的)正确。easier意为“更容易的”;funnier意为“更滑稽的;更有趣的”;swifter意为“更敏捷的”。]

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