

学员编号: 年 级: 初三 课 时 数:3 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:荚文强 课程主题: 初三二模词转 1. 掌握词性判断技巧 2. 了解常见的词转类型 3. 能够准确无误的做题 教学内容 授课时间:2019年 学习目标 内容回顾 知识精讲 知识点一 中考英语词性转换解题技巧 一 名词变复数 1.We won against our_______ because we are stronger and better than them. (enemy) 答案enemies 结尾有them,证明是复数形式,改y为i加es 2. The two boys became British ____ and they gained the right to vote(选民). (city) 答案citizens 市民的意思,这里只需要注意前面是人,所以只能变成市民,与之对应 3.We all know that Detective Ken is good at dealing with such _______. (case) 答案cases case可数名词 在such后面要用复数形式 4.The health project teaches children how to brush their properly. (tooth) Tooth的复数形式是teeth 二 基数词变序数词 1.Our new term begins in September, the_______ month of a year. (nine) 答案ninth 一年中的第九个月,涉及到第几个的时候用序数词 2.The students do eye exercises ____ a day to protect their eyes. (two) 答案twice 两次,后面接一天、一年、一星期的时候,大多用频率来表示 3.David plans to travel around the world with his family in his _______. (sixty) 答案sixtieth in one’s 整十序数词表示在某人20 30...多岁 三 反身代词 1.He said he wanted to go out take a walk by _______. (he) 答案himself 这类题目我们观察到句子从头到尾只出现一个人称,且人称代词前有介词by的时候,一般都用反身代词,表示“自己”的意思 2.I usually ask _______ some questions before I make a big decision. (I) 答案myself 我经常问我自己问题 用反身代词 3.Rory made all the furniture himself . He’s very good with his hands. (he) 反身代词,宾语和主语是同一个人,Rory他自己制作了所有的家具。他的手很巧。 1

四 词性转换 (1)形容词变副词 1.Phillip dropped his toast accidentally, but_______ it fell right side up. (lucky) 答案luckily 当句子中不缺成分的时候,给定形容词我们一般用它的副词形式来修饰这个动作,幸运就用luckily,不幸运就用unluckily,出现频率较高 2.The boys asked their teacher whether earthquakes can be ____ predicted? (exact) 答案exactly 后面的predict是动词,用副词修饰动词,只是这里提前了 3.Our success in the local market _______ depends on your support. (main) 答案mainly 副词 主要的 后如果不接名词都用其副词形式 4.John has taken up judo only but he is quite good at it. (recent) 副词词性recently (2) 形容词变动词 1.If you believe in yourself, you can_______ playing the violin perfectly. (successful) 答案succeed succeed doing sth.成功做某事,又因为在情态动词can后面,所以是原型 (3) 动词变名词 1.That Chinese student’s_______ made a strong impression on the audience. (speak) 答案speech speak是动词,这里是中国学生的,故而后面要接名词形式 2.The bicycle-sharing system may help reduce air _______ in big cities. (pollute) 答案pollution air pollution 空气污染 考试经常考到 (4) 动词变形容词 1.If they aren’t ____ with the style of uniforms, they can design them themselves. (satisfy) 答案satisfied 形容词修饰人的时候用ed形式,修饰物的时候用ing形式,另外需要掌握词组be satisfied with sth.对某事满意 2.It is not_______ that children learn to read and write at different rates. (surprise) 答案surprising 形容词修饰人用ed形式,修饰物用ing形式,以it is开头的一般用ing形式 (5) 名词变动词 1. In the end, Tim and his friends all decided to ____ a concert for Easter. (organization) 答案organize 前面decided to do sth.后面动词要用不定式形式 (6) 名词变形容词 1.The students learnt to cook some _______ English dishes in the host family. (tradition) 答案traditional 名词变形容词 因为后面有名词 2.I always ask my grandfather for advice. He is a very man. (wisdom) 分析句子成分可知此处应是形容词修饰man,wisdom的形容词词性是wise (7) 形容词变名词 1.Looking at your phone in the darkness will do _______ to your eyes. (harmful) 答案harm do harm to sb./sth.对某人或某物有伤害 2.I got interested in _______ because of a movie about science. (physical) 答案physics 物理 形容词变名词 be interested in sth.对什么感兴趣 3.In each child wears a uniform to school – everybody is dressed in the same way. (British) Britain 英国 British 英国人,英国的,英国人的 五 词义转换 1.Experts are learning how to grow and protect some of the very_______ plants. (usual) 答案unusual 不寻常的,专家们在研究种植和保护非常不寻常的植物 2

2.They say they’ll stay to their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps(难民营). (build) 答案rebuild 只要涉及到灾难之后的重建,都用rebuild,出现的很多,这里动词前面用了to,所以用原型。 3.Lemon is a girl with few words, so it was __ __ for her to make a speech in public yesterday. (usual) 答案unsual 给定usual通常可以填写unusual、usually,前者用来充当表语或者定语,后者副词形式,一般表示频率,修饰动词 4.The extra money will him to travel to Canada and the States. (able) enable sb to do sth, 使某人能够做某事 5.It was asking my brother for money – he didn’t have any. (use) 弟弟没有钱,当然找他借钱是没有用的 ,use后面加上否定后缀less, 成useless 六 形容词副词比较级 1.We all know the ____ water we waste or pollute, the more we will have for tomorrow. (little) 答案less 看后面more,所以前面与之对应也用比较级,the+比较级,the+比较级,越...越... 2.I had to stay one more day in Capital Airport by the worst haze(雾霾)in years. (bad) 后面有个限定范围这一年里,前面还有个the限定,填bad的最高级形式worst 【课堂练习】 2017--2018学年初三英语一模词性转换易错题整理 One【虹口区】 It’s a ___________ to share my ideas with all of you. (pleasant) pleasure It’s common ___________ that the day becomes longer and longer when summer comes. (know) knowledge Two【黄浦区】 We should be ______ for hard times in our life. Difficulties are not always terrible. (thank) thankful Three【浦东新区】 A survey shows ___________ work six hours on average on weekdays.(German) Germans We still need __________more assistants for the teen center library.(second)two Four【长宁区】 I hadn’t seen Andera for ages. When I appeared before him, he looked very ______ (surprise) surprised The rising number of cars made the air in the city become even ______ (bad) worse Five【徐汇区】 The couple have shot a number of ___________during their honeymoon trip.(photo) photos .In this task, ___________thinking is required as well as team work among the group.(depend) independent Six【闵行区】 Keeping pets is a_______and I’m sure I’ve been ready for that.(responsible) responsibility It’s wrong of them to use ________methods to make money.(honest) dishonest Seven【奉贤区】 Airships use much fuel than planes, so they are better for the environment, (little) less She is a woman with a strong ________ . Once she has made a decision, no one can change her mind, (person) personality Eight【静安区】 There wasn’t enough evidence to ________ him guilty.(proof)prove Sometimes life is very ________, but we must continue.(helpful)helpless 3

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