
nursing, and kids' emotional reactions by the equipment.“与之前大多数研究不一样,该调查能够让研究人员通过仪器(视频录像)观察到每一位抚养者在照顾孩子时的个性特点和孩子的情绪反馈。”根据文意选D,“视频录像能让研究人员直接观察(实验的)过程。”

10、Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the investigation?

A、It will last at least 7 years.

B、Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary. C、Some independent observers play a part.

D、Researchers paid site visits to see a caretaker's personality and kids' emotional reactions. 参考答案:D 解析:

【答案】D【解析】判断题,问:“关于这一调查,以下哪一项不是真实的?”先浏览调查过程(文章第三段),再根据四个选项进行判断。A,“调查要持续至少七年。”对应文中:The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. “最年幼的孩子在1991年接受研究时还不到一个月大,将被追踪到他们七岁。”B,“母亲的配合是很必要的。”该调查要求母亲填写调查问卷,说明母亲需要配合调查。C,“一些独立的观察者要发挥作用。”文中提到:

Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness.“独立观察者对每次照顾孩子的行为进行评级,并且记录孩子是否有紧张情绪。”D,“研究人员到现场访查,以了解抚养者的个性特点与孩子的情绪反应。”文中说到,研究人员通过观看视频的方式进行了解,因此此项与文意不符,选D。


11、The hurricane left, _______ the ruins to this area.

A、to be left B、leaving C、to leave D、left 参考答案:B 解析:

非谓语动词结构leaving the ruins to this area补充说明前面一句话,因此选择B。

12、On hearing the news of _____the examination, the boy was very happy.

A、his having passed B、he passed

C、his being passed D、to pass 参考答案:A 解析:

句意:一听说过了考试,男孩非常高兴。因为是pass examination, B项是个完整的句子,不能直接跟在介词of之后, C用的是pass的被动语态,因此不正确。D 中的to pass与前面的搭配不对。

13、If we don't stop the population from increasing at such a rapid rate, there will ________ not be enough room left on the earth for human to stand, let alone development.

A、constantly B、mainly C、eventually D、lately 参考答案:C 解析:


14、I don't think his remarks are relevant ________ our discussion.

A、to B、at C、for D、with 参考答案:A 解析:

be relevant to: 与…相关,固定搭配,选A。

15、By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.

A、shall stay

B、have been staying C、will have stayed D、have stayed 参考答案:C 解析:

By the time 表示将来,for two days 表示动作的完成,因此根据句意,此处应该选择将来完成时, C是正确答案。

16、Some people waste a lot of food _______ some others haven't enough to eat.

A、after B、when C、as D、while 参考答案:D 解析:

while 引导的是表示相反意思的状语从句, 根据句意,此处应该选择while, 答案为D。

17、This couple has two daughters, _________ of whom is working in the U. S.

A、the younger B、the youngest C、a younger D、the young 参考答案:A 解析:

“两者中较……”用比较级加定冠词。 A、sits B、to sit

18、You should give the application to the man ______ at that chair.

C、sat D、sitting 参考答案:D 解析:

此处应该选D,现在分词结构修饰前面的名词 the man, …sitting at that chair 相当于…who sits at that chair。A, B, C语法结构不对。

19、A genius is someone who can achieve something that few people are _______.

A、capable of B、able to C、enabled to D、able of 参考答案:A 解析:

只有capable of 可接something。

20、Not until 1868 ______ made the capital of the state of Georgia.

A、Atlanta was B、was Atlanta

C、when Atlanta was D、when was Atlanta 参考答案:B 解析:



Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, but people now live longer than they ___21___. Yet, all living things still show the ___22___ of aging, which will eventually ___23___ death.

Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the organs they form do not function as well as they did in childhood. The body provides less ___24___ against diseases and is more inclined ___25___ accident.

A number of related causes may contribute to aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not ___26___ when they die. In an aging person the new cells may not be as capable ___27___ growth as those of a young person.

Another ___28___ in aging may be changes within the cells themselves. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known to change with age and become less flexible. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles. This is also the reason old people ___29___ in height. There may be other more important chemicals changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and ___30___ information that the cells need. Aging may affect this process and change the

information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.


A、had B、use to

C、were used to

D、used to 参考答案:D 解析:

【答案】D。【解析】考察固定搭配。used to do something,“过去常常”,用来表达过去经常发生的事情、习惯或状态。be used to do something,“被用来做某事”,是use的被动结构。文中指出,人们现在比过去活的时间更久了,表达的是过去与现在的状态比较,选D。


A、fact B、effect C、function D、symbol 参考答案:B 解析:



A、affect B、produce C、result in D、result from 参考答案:C 解析:



A、protection B、demand C、decline D、delay 参考答案:A 解析:



A、to B、for

C、against D、from 参考答案:A 解析:

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