北京版六年级上册英语课文Unit 1 What did you do this summer

Lesson 1

Yangyang: Hi, Mike! What did you do this summer?

Mike: Oh, I went back to Canada. I had a great time and did many things. Yangyang: What did you do in Canada?

Mike: Well, I visited my grandparents. I played with my friends. I worked on my uncle's farm. Where did you go, Yangyang?

Yangyang: I just stayed in Beijing. I learned to sing Peking Opera in the morning and went swimming in the afternoon. Mike: No wonder you look stronger.

Yangyang: Thank you. I also visited some museums and played with my cousins. Mike: We both had an interesting vacation.

Lesson 2

Baob ao : When did you come back from your Lingling?

Lingling: I came back last Thursday. Baobao: What did you do there?

summer camp,

Lingling: I climbed the mountains and I swam in the river. I went fishing one day and caught three fish. Baobao: Really!

Lingling: I let them go back into the river again. Baobao: Good for you! Was the camp very far?

Lingling: No. It took only two hours by bus. Baobao: So you had a lot of fun at the camp. Lingling: Yes, I did.

Lesson 3

Lingling: Hi, Mike! Nice to see you again. Did you go to summer?

Mike: Yes, I did. I gave them some gifts from China. Lingling: What gifts did you have for them? Mike: I bought a pair of Chinese my grandpa.

Lingling: Did they like your gifts? Mike: Yes, they liked them very much. Lingling: Are they coming to visit you? Mike: Yes, they are coming please?

Lingling: Sure. What can I do for you?

Mike: Would you please tell me more about the food in Beijing? I want them to enjoy the best food here. Lingling: No problem.

Lesson 4

next summer. I miss them. Oh, Lingling, will you help me,

shoes for

my grandma, and a pair of glasses for

see your grandparents this

Mike went back to Canada for summer vacation. He played with his friends, worked on his uncle's farm, and visited his grandparents. Mike had some Chinese gifts for his grandparents. They liked the gifts very much.

Yangyang stayed in Beijing for the summer. He learned

to sing Peking Opera in the

morning and went swimming in the afternoon. He looks stronger. They both had a lot of fun.

Read and answer.

What did Mike do this summer?

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