
财务状况 financial status/ standing

从债务人的账户中扣除款项 debit the debtor’s account 汇付 remittance

现金预付 cash in advance

赊销、记账式贸易 trade on open account

保留货物的所有权 retain the title or ownership to the goods 寄售 consignment 汇票 draft, gill of exchange

将汇票金额付给某人或其指定人 pay the draft value to the order of sb 即期汇票 sight draft

远期汇票 time /term /usance /tenor draft

光票和跟单汇票 clean draft and documentary draft 提单 bill of lading

商业发票 commercial invoice 保险单 insurance policy 跟单托收 documentary collection 装用单据 shipping documents 付款交单 documents against payment

凭即期汇票支付的付款交单方式 documents against payment by sight draft (D/P at sight)

凭远期汇票支付的付款交单方式 documents against payment by time draft (D/P after sight)

承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)

承兑卖方开出的汇票 accept the draft drawn by the seller 商业信用证 commercial letter of credit 不可撤销的信用证 irrevocable L/C 以我方为受益人 In our favour 天津离岸价FOB Tianjin 出口申报单export declaration

(不)清洁提单clean/foul B/L 商检证书 Certificate of inspection 售货确认书 /合同sales confirmation/contract 转船 transshipment 付款交单 D/P

信用证的有效期the validity of the L/C 信用证的展期 the extension of the L/C 平安险 FPA

独家代理 exclusive/sole agency 伦敦到岸价CIF London 产品目录 Catalogue

通知行 advising /notifying /noticing bank 发货日期 date of delivery/shipment 贴现率discounting rate

信用证的受益人 Beneficiary of the L/C 成本加运费价 CFR price 不可撤销的信用证 irrevocable L/C 保险费 premium

产地证书 Certificate of origin 试定单 trial order 分批装运 partial shipment 跟单托收 documentary collection 保险单 Insurance policy 目的港 port of destination

开立信用证 to open/issue /establish an L/C, 纸板箱 carton box

信用证的修改 Amendment to the L/C 水渍险 WPA 佣金 commission

形式发票 proforma invoice 装箱单 Packing list

承/投保人 the insurer/the insured 议付行 negotiating bank 兑换率 exchange /conversion rate 理赔 To settle a claim 保兑信用证 confirmed L/C

财务状况 financial standing/reputation 装运通知 shipping advice

开证行 Opening /issuing /establishing bank, 提出索赔 to lodge / raise / file a claim, 提示汇票 to present a draft, 零售价 retail price 价目单 price list

出口公司 exporting company 付款方式 terms of payment 纽约离岸价 FOB New York 保兑行 Confirming bank 公检报告 surveyor report 即期信用证 sight L/C 询盘 inquiry/enquiry 投保人 The insured

运输单据 shipping documents 保险金额 insurance value 指定包装 designated packing 野蛮装卸 Rough handling

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